Marcelo Luis Errecalde
Marcelo Luis Errecalde
Professor of Computer Science, Universidad Nacional de San Luis
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Cited by
Cited by
A text classification framework for simple and effective early depression detection over social media streams
SG Burdisso, M Errecalde, M Montes-y-Gómez
Expert Systems with Applications 133, 182-197, 2019
An efficient particle swarm optimization approach to cluster short texts
L Cagnina, M Errecalde, D Ingaramo, P Rosso
Information Sciences 265, 36-49, 2014
Measuring the quality of web content using factual information
E Lex, M Voelske, M Errecalde, E Ferretti, L Cagnina, C Horn, B Stein, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd joint WICOW/AIRWeb workshop on web quality, 7-10, 2012
Evaluation of internal validity measures in short-text corpora
D Ingaramo, D Pinto, P Rosso, M Errecalde
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational …, 2008
Evacuation simulations using cellular automata
PC Tissera, AM Printista, ML Errecalde
Journal of Computer Science & Technology 7, 2007
UNSL's participation at eRisk 2018 Lab.
DG Funez, MJG Ucelay, MP Villegas, S Burdisso, LC Cagnina, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 2018
UNSL at eRisk 2019: a Unified Approach for Anorexia, Self-harm and Depression Detection in Social Media.
SG Burdisso, M Errecalde, M Montes-y-Gómez
CLEF (Working Notes), 2019
A discrete particle swarm optimizer for clustering short-text corpora
LC Cagnina, ML Errecalde, DA Ingaramo, P Rosso
Proc. Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, BIOMA-2008 …, 2008
Temporal Variation of Terms as Concept Space for Early Risk Prediction.
ML Errecalde, MP Villegas, DG Funez, MJG Ucelay, LC Cagnina
Clef (working notes), 2017
An approach to decision making based on dynamic argumentation systems
E Ferretti, LH Tamargo, AJ García, ML Errecalde, GR Simari
Artificial intelligence 242, 107-131, 2017
τ-SS3: A text classifier with dynamic n-grams for early risk detection over text streams
SG Burdisso, M Errecalde, M Montes-y-Gómez
Pattern Recognition Letters 138, 130-137, 2020
Extracción de conocimiento con técnicas de minería de textos aplicadas a la psicología
L Mariñelarena-Dondena, ML Errecalde, A Castro Solano
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento 9 (2), 0-0, 2017
LIDIC-UNSL's Participation at eRisk 2017: Pilot Task on Early Detection of Depression.
MP Villegas, DG Funez, MJG Ucelay, LC Cagnina, ML Errecalde
CLEF (Working Notes), 2017
A new AntTree-based algorithm for clustering short-text corpora
ML Errecalde, DA Ingaramo, P Rosso
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 10 (01), 1-7, 2010
A parallel implementation of Q-learning based on communication with cache
AM Printista, ML Errecalde, CI Montoya
vol. 1, no. 6, 2002
A possibilistic defeasible logic programming approach to argumentation-based decision-making
E Ferretti, ML Errecalde, AJ García, GR Simari
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 26 (4), 519-550, 2014
UNSL at eRisk 2021: A Comparison of Three Early Alert Policies for Early Risk Detection.
JM Loyola, S Burdisso, H Thompson, LC Cagnina, M Errecalde
CLEF (Working Notes), 992-1021, 2021
Adaptive clustering with artificial ants
DA Ingaramo, G Leguizamón, M Errecalde
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 5 (04), 264-271, 2005
On the use of reliable-negatives selection strategies in the pu learning approach for quality flaws prediction in wikipedia
E Ferretti, ML Errecalde, M Anderka, B Stein
2014 25th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2014
An argumentation-based BDI personal assistant
F Schlesinger, E Ferretti, M Errecalde, G Aguirre
International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications …, 2010
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Articles 1–20