francesca romana alparone
francesca romana alparone
Professore Ordinario, Università di Chieti-Pescara
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The influence of psychosocial and environmental factors on children's independent mobility and relationship to peer frequentation
M Prezza, S Pilloni, C Morabito, C Sersante, FR Alparone, MV Giuliani
Journal of community & applied social psychology 11 (6), 435-450, 2001
Girls' math performance under stereotype threat: the moderating role of mothers' gender stereotypes.
C Tomasetto, FR Alparone, M Cadinu
Developmental psychology 47 (4), 943, 2011
Parental perception of social risk and of positive potentiality of outdoor autonomy for children: The development of two instruments
M Prezza, FR Alparone, C Cristallo, S Luigi
Journal of environmental psychology 25 (4), 437-453, 2005
Millennials' attitude toward chatbots: an experimental study in a social relationship perspective
R De Cicco, SC Silva, FR Alparone
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48 (11), 1213-1233, 2020
On children's independent mobility: the interplay of demographic, environmental, and psychosocial factors
FR Alparone, MG Pacilli
Children's Geographies 10 (1), 109-122, 2012
Children's citizenship and participation models: Participation in planning urban spaces and children's councils
FR Alparone, A Rissotto
Journal of community & applied social psychology 11 (6), 421-434, 2001
“The face of ostracism”: The impact of the social categorization on the thermal facial responses of the target and the observer
D Paolini, FR Alparone, D Cardone, I van Beest, A Merla
Acta psychologica 163, 65-73, 2016
Blood natural killer activity is reduced in men with occupational stress and job insecurity working in a university
P Boscolo, A Di Donato, L Di Giampaolo, L Forcella, M Reale, ...
International archives of occupational and environmental health 82, 787-794, 2009
The role of affective and cognitive individual differences in social perception
A Aquino, G Haddock, GR Maio, LJ Wolf, FR Alparone
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (6), 798-810, 2016
Social participation and independent mobility in children: The effects of two implementations of “we go to school alone”
M Prezza, FR Alparone, D Renzi, A Pietrobono
Journal of prevention & intervention in the community 38 (1), 8-25, 2009
“It’s on its way”: Chatbots applied for online food delivery services, social or task-oriented interaction style?
R De Cicco, SCLC Silva, FR Alparone
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 24 (2), 140-164, 2021
The words to tell their own pain: Linguistic markers of cognitive reappraisal in mediating benefits of expressive writing
FR Alparone, S Pagliaro, I Rizzo
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 34 (6), 495-507, 2015
Group membership and social status modulate joint actions
A Aquino, D Paolini, S Pagliaro, D Migliorati, A Wolff, FR Alparone, ...
Experimental brain research 233, 2461-2466, 2015
The italian liwc2001 dictionary
F Alparone, S Caso, A Agosti, A Rellini
Austin, TX: LIWC. net, 2004
Sense or sensibility? The neuro-functional basis of the structural matching effect in persuasion
A Aquino, FR Alparone, S Pagliaro, G Haddock, GR Maio, MG Perrucci, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 20, 536-550, 2020
Children’s appropriation of urban spaces
MV Giuliani, FR Alparone, S Mayer
Urban Childhood Conference 9, 12, 1997
On vicarious ostracism. Examining the mediators of observers’ reactions towards the target and the sources of ostracism
D Paolini, S Pagliaro, FR Alparone, F Marotta, I van Beest
Social Influence 12 (4), 117-127, 2017
When affective (but not cognitive) ambivalence predicts discrimination toward a minority group
MG Pacilli, A Mucchi-Faina, S Pagliaro, A Mirisola, FR Alparone
The Journal of Social Psychology 153 (1), 10-24, 2013
Ambivalence in intergroup evaluation: The role of fairness norm
A Mucchi-Faina, MG Pacilli, S Pagliaro, FR Alparone
Social Justice Research 22, 117-133, 2009
Managing a social identity threat
S Pagliaro, FR Alparone, MG Pacilli, A Mucchi-Faina
Social Psychology, 2011
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Articles 1–20