Naveed ur Rehman
Naveed ur Rehman
Aarhus University Denmark
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Multivariate empirical mode decomposition
N Rehman, DP Mandic
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2010
Filter bank property of multivariate empirical mode decomposition
N Rehman, DP Mandic
IEEE transactions on signal processing 59 (5), 2421-2426, 2011
Empirical mode decomposition-based time-frequency analysis of multivariate signals: The power of adaptive data analysis
DP Mandic, N Rehman, Z Wu, NE Huang
IEEE signal processing magazine 30 (6), 74-86, 2013
Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition
N Rehman, H Aftab
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (23), 6039-6052, 2019
Classification of motor imagery BCI using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
C Park, D Looney, N Rehman, A Ahrabian, DP Mandic
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 21 (1), 10-22, 2013
Empirical mode decomposition for trivariate signals
N Rehman, DP Mandic
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 58 (3), 1059-1068, 2010
EMD via MEMD: multivariate noise-aided computation of standard EMD
N Rehman, C Park, NE Huang, DP Mandic
Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 5 (02), 1350007, 2013
Seizure detection from EEG signals using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
A Zahra, N Kanwal, N Rehman, S Ehsan, KD McDonald-Maier
Computers in biology and medicine 88, 132-141, 2017
Median ensemble empirical mode decomposition
X Lang, N Rehman, Y Zhang, L Xie, H Su
Signal Processing 176, 107686, 2020
A joint framework for multivariate signal denoising using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
H Hao, HL Wang, N Rehman
Signal Processing 135, 263-273, 2017
Motor Imagery BCI Classification Based on Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition
MT Sadiq, X Yu, Z Yuan, MZ Aziz, N Rehman, W Ding, G Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2022
Integral images: Efficient algorithms for their computation and storage in resource-constrained embedded vision systems
S Ehsan, AF Clark, N ur Rehman, KD McDonald-Maier
Sensors 15 (7), 16804-16830, 2015
An Improved Retinal Vessel Segmentation Framework Using Frangi Filter Coupled With the Probabilistic Patch Based Denoiser
A Khawaja, TM Khan, K Naveed, SS Naqvi, N Rehman, SJ Nawaz
IEEE Access 7, 164344-164361, 2019
Width-wise vessel bifurcation for improved retinal vessel segmentation
TM Khan, MAU Khan, N Rehman, K Naveed, IU Afridi, SS Naqvi, I Raazak
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71, 103169, 2022
Application of multivariate empirical mode decomposition for seizure detection in EEG signals
N Rehman, Y Xia, DP Mandic
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Hybrid multiscale wind speed forecasting based on variational mode decomposition
M Ali, A Khan, N Rehman
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 28 (1), e2466, 2018
Bivariate empirical mode decomposition for unbalanced real-world signals
A Ahrabian, N Rehman, D Mandic
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 20 (3), 245-248, 2013
A multivariate empirical mode decompositionbased approach to pansharpening
SMU Abdullah, N Rehman, MM Khan, DP Mandic
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53 (7), 3974-3984, 2015
A statistical approach to signal denoising based on data-driven multiscale representation
K Naveed, MT Akhtar, MF Siddiqui, N Rehman
Digital Signal Processing 108, 102896, 2021
Multi-scale pixel-based image fusion using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
NU Rehman, S Ehsan, SMU Abdullah, MJ Akhtar, DP Mandic, ...
Sensors 15 (5), 10923-10947, 2015
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Articles 1–20