Héloïse Louise Rouzé
Héloïse Louise Rouzé
University of Guam, Marine Laboratory
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Symbiodinium clades A and D differentially predispose Acropora cytherea to disease and Vibrio spp. colonization
H Rouzé, G Lecellier, D Saulnier, V Berteaux‐Lecellier
Ecology and Evolution 6 (2), 560-572, 2016
Unique quantitative Symbiodiniaceae signature of coral colonies revealed through spatio-temporal survey in Moorea
H Rouzé, G Lecellier, X Pochon, G Torda, V Berteaux-Lecellier
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 7921, 2019
Superclone Expansion, Long-Distance Clonal Dispersal and Local Genetic Structuring in the Coral Pocillopora damicornis Type β in Reunion Island, South …
P Gélin, C Fauvelot, V Mehn, S Bureau, H Rouzé, H Magalon
PloS one 12 (1), e0169692, 2017
An updated assessment of Symbiodinium spp. that associate with common scleractinian corals from Moorea (French Polynesia) reveals high diversity among background symbionts and …
H Rouzé, GJ Lecellier, D Saulnier, S Planes, Y Gueguen, HH Wirshing, ...
PeerJ 5, e2856, 2017
Symbiotic associations of the deepest recorded photosynthetic scleractinian coral (172 m depth)
H Rouzé, PE Galand, M Medina, P Bongaerts, M Pichon, ...
The ISME journal 15 (5), 1564-1568, 2021
Contrasting patterns of mortality in Polynesian coral reefs following the third global coral bleaching event in 2016
L Hédouin, H Rouzé, C Berthe, G Perez-Rosales, E Martinez, ...
Coral Reefs 39 (4), 939-952, 2020
Juvenile Trapezia spp. crabs can increase juvenile host coral survival by protection from predation
H Rouzé, G Lecellier, SC Mills, S Planes, V Berteaux-Lecellier, H Stewart
Marine Ecology Progress Series 515, 151-159, 2014
Mesophotic coral communities escape thermal coral bleaching in French Polynesia
G Pérez-Rosales, H Rouzé, G Torda, P Bongaerts, M Pichon, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (11), 210139, 2021
Fringing reefs exposed to different levels of eutrophication and sedimentation can support similar benthic communities
H Rouzé, G Lecellier, MJ Langlade, S Planes, V Berteaux-Lecellier
Marine pollution bulletin 92 (1-2), 212-221, 2015
Mesophotic coral ecosystems of French Polynesia are hotspots of alpha and beta generic diversity for scleractinian assemblages
G Pérez‐Rosales, M Pichon, H Rouzé, S Villéger, G Torda, P Bongaerts, ...
Diversity and Distributions 28 (7), 1391-1403, 2022
Fish sounds of photic and mesophotic coral reefs: variation with depth and type of island
X Raick, L Di Iorio, D Lecchini, C Gervaise, L Hédouin, ...
Coral Reefs 42 (2), 285-297, 2023
Long-term monitoring of benthic communities reveals spatial determinants of disturbance and recovery dynamics on coral reefs
C Moritz, SJ Brandl, H Rouzé, J Vii, G Pérez-Rosales, P Bosserelle, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 672, 141-152, 2021
Scaling up calcification, respiration, and photosynthesis rates of six prominent coral taxa
J Carlot, H Rouzé, DR Barneche, A Mercière, B Espiau, U Cardini, ...
Ecology and evolution 12 (3), e8613, 2022
Unexplored Refugia with High Cover of Scleractinian Leptoseris spp. and Hydrocorals Stylaster flabelliformis at Lower Mesophotic Depths (75–100 m) on Lava …
L Hoarau, H Rouzé, É Boissin, N Gravier-Bonnet, P Plantard, C Loisil, ...
Diversity 13 (4), 141, 2021
Overview of the mesophotic coral ecosystems around Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan
F Sinniger, RL Albelda, R Prasetia, H Rouzé, ED Sitorus, S Harii
Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 24 (1), 69-76, 2022
Molecular characterization reveals the complexity of previously overlooked coral-exosymbiont interactions and the implications for coral-guild ecology
H Rouzé, M Leray, H Magalon, L Penin, P Gélin, N Knowlton, C Fauvelot
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 44923, 2017
Mesophotic depths hide high coral cover communities in French Polynesia
G Pérez-Rosales, A Hernández-Agreda, P Bongaerts, H Rouzé, M Pichon, ...
Science of the Total Environment 844, 157049, 2022
Recent and old duplications in crustaceans “Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 ″: structural and phylogenetic implications
A Van Wormhoudt, M Adjeroud, H Rouzé, M Leray
Molecular Biology Reports 46 (5), 5185-5195, 2019
Bilateral asymmetry in bleaching susceptibility within a giant clam, Tridacna maxima
H Rouzé, L Hédouin
Coral Reefs 37 (3), 825-825, 2018
Extension of the known distribution of the scleractinian coral Leptoseris troglodyta to the southwestern Indian Ocean: new record from mesophotic caves in Mayotte
M Pichon, H Rouzé, G Barathieu, O Konieczny, M Adjeroud, B Thomassin
Bulletin of Marine Science 96 (4), 783-784, 2020
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