Alissar CHEAIB
Alissar CHEAIB
Postdoctoral research associate -Texas Tech University
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Climate change impacts on tree ranges: model intercomparison facilitates understanding and quantification of uncertainty
A Cheaib, V Badeau, J Boe, I Chuine, C Delire, E Dufrêne, C François, ...
Ecology letters 15 (6), 533-544, 2012
Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers
N Delpierre, S Lireux, F Hartig, JJ Camarero, A Cheaib, K Čufar, H Cuny, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (3), 1089-1105, 2019
Interactive effects of phosphorus and light availability on early growth of maritime pine seedlings
A Cheaïb, A Mollier, S Thunot, C Lambrot, S Pellerin, D Loustau
Annals of Forest Science 62 (6), 575-583, 2005
Influence of Anthocyanin Expression on the Performance of Photosynthesis in Sweet Orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck
A Cheaib, LM Mahmoud, C Vincent, N Killiny, M Dutt
Plants 12 (23), 3965, 2023
Effets de la limitation croisée en phosphore et en lumière sur la croissance et la morphogenèse aérienne et racinaire de jeunes plants de pin maritime
A Cheaib
Bordeaux 1, 2006
Soil nitrogen supply exerts largest influence on leaf nitrogen in environments with the greatest leaf nitrogen demand
A Cheaib, EF Waring, R McNellis, EA Perkowski, J Martina, E Seabloom, ...
ESS Open Archive eprints 427, 42716792, 2024
Potential of proximal teledetection and modeling as a way to assess canopy structure and functioning
G Hmimina
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2013
Assessing the effect of spatial resolution of regional climate downscaling on the productivity and distribution of three widespread tree species over France
NK Martin-StPaul, M Stephanon, C Francois, K Soudani, E Dufrene, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-12675, 2013
Predicting potential shifts in Fagus sylvatica range in response to climate change: comparing and integrating multiple models based on different structural concepts to reduce …
A Cheaïb, VV Badeau, I Chuine, C François, E Gritti, W Thuiller, P Leadley
Fagus 2010. International Scientific Symposium. Is there future for beech …, 2010
Interactive effects of phosphorus and light availability on growth and architecture of maritime pine seedlings
A Cheaïb, A Mollier, D Loustau, S Pellerin
Etude expérimentale et modélisation des effets de la déficience en phosphore sur l'assimilation et l'allocation du carboen, la croissance et la morphogenèse du pin maritime …
A Cheaïb, D Loustau, A Mollier, S Pellerin, C Lambrot, S Thunot
Effets de la co-limitation en phosphore et en carbone sur la croissance et la morphologie du pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Aït.)
A Cheaïb, A Mollier, S Pellerin, S Thunot, C Lambrot, D Loustau
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