Gino De Gelder
Gino De Gelder
PostDoc - Tectonics, Reliefs and Basins - ISTerre, Université Grenoble-Alpes
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Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey
DJJ Van Hinsbergen, M Maffione, A Plunder, N Kaymakcı, M Ganerød, ...
Tectonics 35 (4), 983-1014, 2016
Kinematics of Late Cretaceous subduction initiation in the Neo‐Tethys Ocean reconstructed from ophiolites of Turkey, Cyprus, and Syria
M Maffione, DJJ van Hinsbergen, GINO de Gelder, FC van der Goes, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (5), 3953-3976, 2017
High-resolution record reveals climate-driven environmental and sedimentary changes in an active rift
LC McNeill, DJ Shillington, GDO Carter, JD Everest, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3116, 2019
Neogene-Quaternary slow coastal uplift of Western Europe through the perspective of sequences of strandlines from the Cotentin Peninsula (Normandy, France)
K Pedoja, J Jara-Muñoz, G De Gelder, J Robertson, M Meschis, ...
Geomorphology 303, 338-356, 2018
A new high-resolution record of Holocene geomagnetic secular variation from New Zealand
GM Turner, JD Howarth, G de Gelder, SJ Fitzsimons
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 430, 296-307, 2015
How do sea-level curves influence modeled marine terrace sequences?
G de Gelder, J Jara-Muñoz, D Melnick, D Fernández-Blanco, H Rouby, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 229, 106132, 2020
Lithospheric flexure and rheology determined by climate cycle markers in the Corinth Rift
G de Gelder, D Fernández-Blanco, D Melnick, G Duclaux, RE Bell, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 4260, 2019
Geometry of flexural uplift by continental rifting in Corinth, Greece
D Fernández‐Blanco, G de Gelder, R Lacassin, R Armijo
Tectonics 39 (1), e2019TC005685, 2020
Active back‐arc thrust in north west Java, Indonesia
S Aribowo, L Husson, DH Natawidjaja, C Authemayou, MR Daryono, ...
Tectonics 41 (7), e2021TC007120, 2022
A new crustal fault formed the modern Corinth Rift
D Fernández-Blanco, G de Gelder, R Lacassin, R Armijo
Earth-Science Reviews 199, 102919, 2019
High interstadial sea levels over the past 420ka from the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
G de Gelder, L Husson, AM Pastier, D Fernández-Blanco, T Pico, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 256, 2022
Corinth terraces re-visited: Improved paleoshoreline determination using Pleiades-DEMs
D Gelder, D Fernández-Blanco, R Lacassin, R Armijo, A Delorme, ...
DRT: 20th International Conference on DEFORMATION MECHANISMS, RHEOLOGY …, 2015
Multi‐scale and multi‐parametric analysis of Late Quaternary event deposits within the active Corinth rift (Greece)
G De Gelder, ML Doan, C Beck, J Carlut, C Seibert, N Feuillet, ...
Sedimentology 69 (4), 1573-1598, 2022
Slow geodynamics and fast morphotectonics in the far East Tethys
L Husson, N Riel, S Aribowo, C Authemayou, G de Gelder, BJP Kaus, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (1), e2021GC010167, 2022
On the generation and degradation of emerged coral reef terrace sequences: First cosmogenic 36Cl analysis at Cape Laundi, Sumba Island (Indonesia)
D Chauveau, C Authemayou, K Pedoja, S Molliex, L Husson, D Scholz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 269, 107144, 2021
The Cuban staircase sequences of coral reef and marine terraces: A forgotten masterpiece of the Caribbean geodynamical puzzle
L Peñalver, K Pedoja, D Martin-Izquierdo, C Authemayou, A Nuñez, ...
Marine Geology 440, 106575, 2021
Expedition 381 summary
LC McNeill, DJ Shillington, GDO Carter, JD Everest, E Le Ber, RE Collier, ...
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 2019
A new deglacial climate and sea-level record from 20 to 8 ka from IODP381 site M0080, Alkyonides Gulf, eastern Mediterranean
I Mazzini, TM Cronin, RL Gawthorpe, REL Collier, G De Gelder, AR Golub, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 313, 108192, 2023
NZPSV1k and NZPSV10k: new palaeosecular variation master records for New Zealand: applications for dating and field modeling
G Turner, G de Gelder, J Howarth, A Greve, R Kinger, R Corkill, A Nilsson
Abstract/proceedings of the joint assembly (AGU, GAC, MAC, CGU), 2015
Increasing fault slip rates within the Corinth Rift, Greece: A rapidly localising active rift fault network
CW Nixon, LC McNeill, RL Gawthorpe, DJ Shillington, G Michas, RE Bell, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 636, 118716, 2024
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