Dritan Nace
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Max-min fairness and its applications to routing and load-balancing in communication networks: a tutorial
D Nace, M Pióro
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 10 (4), 5-17, 2008
Fair optimization and networks: A survey
W Ogryczak, H Luss, M Pióro, D Nace, A Tomaszewski
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014 (1), 612018, 2014
A robust approach to the chance-constrained knapsack problem
O Klopfenstein, D Nace
Operations Research Letters 36 (5), 628-632, 2008
Max–min fairness in multi-commodity flows
D Nace, LN Doan, O Klopfenstein, A Bashllari
Computers & Operations Research 35 (2), 557-573, 2008
Lexicographically minimum and maximum load linear programming problems
D Nace, JB Orlin
Operations research 55 (1), 182-187, 2007
Two-stage hybrid flow shop with precedence constraints and parallel machines at second stage
S Carpov, J Carlier, D Nace, R Sirdey
Computers & Operations Research 39 (3), 736-745, 2012
Computing optimal max-min fair resource allocation for elastic flows
D Nace, NL Doan, E Gourdin, B Liau
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 14 (6), 1272-1281, 2006
A dynamic programming approach for a class of robust optimization problems
A Agra, MC Santos, D Nace, M Poss
SIAM Journal on Optimization 26 (3), 1799-1823, 2016
Optimization problems in wireless sensor networks
A Gogu, D Nace, A Dilo, N Mertnia
2011 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2011
On a resource-constrained scheduling problem with application to distributed systems reconfiguration
R Sirdey, J Carlier, H Kerivin, D Nace
European Journal of Operational Research 183 (2), 546-563, 2007
Review of optimization problems in wireless sensor networks
A Gogu, D Nace, A Dilo, N Meratnia, JH Ortiz
Telecommunications Networks—Current Status and Future Trends, 153-180, 2012
A linear programming based approach for computing optimal fair splittable routing
D Nace
Proceedings ISCC 2002 Seventh International Symposium on Computers and …, 2002
Cover inequalities for robust knapsack sets—application to the robust bandwidth packing problem
O Klopfenstein, D Nace
Networks 59 (1), 59-72, 2012
Optimizing flow thinning protection in multicommodity networks with variable link capacity
M Pióro, Y Fouquet, D Nace, M Poss
Operations Research 64 (2), 273-289, 2016
A tutorial on max-min fairness and its applications to routing, load-balancing and network design
D Nace, M Pioro, L Doan
4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Sciences Research, Innovation …, 2006
An optimization model for robust FSO network dimensioning
D Nace, M Pióro, M Poss, F D'Andreagiovanni, I Kalesnikau, M Shehaj, ...
Optical Switching and Networking 32, 25-40, 2019
Design of capacitated survivable networks with a single facility
H Kerivin, D Nace, TTL Pham
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 13 (2), 248-261, 2005
Approximate solution of a resource-constrained scheduling problem
R Sirdey, J Carlier, D Nace
Journal of Heuristics 15, 1-17, 2009
A new distributed restoration algorithm for telecommunication networks
J Carlier
Proc. Networks' 94, 1994
An optimization framework for traffic restoration in optical wireless networks with partial link failures
Y Fouquet, D Nace, M Pióro, M Poss
Optical Switching and Networking 23, 108-117, 2017
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