Franck Amadieu
Franck Amadieu
Professor of cognitive psychology & ergonomics (University of Toulouse), CLLE (UT2J - CNRS), TMBI
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Apprendre avec le numérique: mythes et réalités
F Amadieu, A Tricot
Retz, 2014
Effects of prior knowledge and concept-map structure on disorientation, cognitive load, and learning
F Amadieu, T Van Gog, F Paas, A Tricot, C Mariné
Learning and instruction 19 (5), 376-386, 2009
The attention-guiding effect and cognitive load in the comprehension of animations
F Amadieu, C Mariné, C Laimay
Computers in human behavior 27 (1), 36-40, 2011
Prior knowledge in learning from a non-linear electronic document: Disorientation and coherence of the reading sequences
F Amadieu, A Tricot, C Mariné
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2), 381-388, 2009
Interaction between prior knowledge and concept-map structure on hypertext comprehension, coherence of reading orders and disorientation
F Amadieu, A Tricot, C Mariné
Interacting with computers 22 (2), 88-97, 2010
Query strategies during information searching: Effects of prior domain knowledge and complexity of the information problems to be solved
S Monchaux, F Amadieu, A Chevalier, C Mariné
Information Processing & Management 51 (5), 557-569, 2015
Searching for information on the web: Impact of cognitive aging, prior domain knowledge and complexity of the search problems
M Sanchiz, J Chin, A Chevalier, WT Fu, F Amadieu, J He
Information Processing & Management 53 (1), 281-294, 2017
Concept maps for comprehension and navigation of hypertexts
F Amadieu, L Salmerón
Digital knowledge maps in education: Technology-enhanced support for …, 2014
A critical literature review of perceptions of tablets for learning in primary and secondary schools
J Mulet, C Van De Leemput, F Amadieu
Educational Psychology Review 31, 631-662, 2019
How do older and young adults start searching for information? Impact of age, domain knowledge and problem complexity on the different steps of information searching
M Sanchiz, A Chevalier, F Amadieu
Computers in Human Behavior 72, 67-78, 2017
Utilisation d'un hypermédia et apprentissage: deux activités concurrentes ou complémentaires?
F Amadieu, A Tricot
Psychologie française 51 (1), 5-23, 2006
Learning from concept mapping and hypertext: An eye tracking study
F Amadieu, L Salmerón, J Cegarra, PV Paubel, J Lemarié, A Chevalier
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 18 (4), 100-112, 2015
How may multimedia and hypertext documents support deep processing for learning?
F Amadieu, J Lemarié, A Tricot
Psychologie française 62 (3), 209-221, 2017
Apprendre avec le numérique
A Tricot, F Amadieu
Retz, 2020
Exploratory study of relations between prior knowledge, comprehension, disorientation and on-line processes in hypertext
F Amadieu, A Tricot, C Mariné
Ergonomics Open Journal 2, 49-57, 2009
Creating positive learning experiences with technology: A field study on the effects of user experience for digital concept mapping
B Rohles, S Backes, A Fischbach, F Amadieu, V Koenig
Heliyon 8 (4), 2022
User-friendly search interface for older adults: supporting search goal refreshing in working memory to improve information search strategies
M Sanchiz, F Amadieu, PV Paubel, A Chevalier
Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (10), 1094-1109, 2020
Investigating multimedia effects on concept map building: Impact on map quality, information processing and learning outcome
M Sanchiz, J Lemarié, A Chevalier, J Cegarra, PV Paubel, L Salmerón, ...
Education and Information Technologies 24, 3645-3667, 2019
Les facteurs psychologiques qui ont un effet sur la réussite des étudiants
F Amadieu, A Tricot
Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues. Cahiers de l'Apliut 34 (2 …, 2015
An evolving perspective to capture individual differences related to fluid and crystallized abilities in information searching with a search engine
M Sanchiz, F Amadieu, A Chevalier
Understanding and improving information search: A cognitive approach, 71-96, 2020
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Articles 1–20