hervé quénol
hervé quénol
CNRS Rennes
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Why climate change will not dramatically decrease viticultural suitability in main wine-producing areas by 2050
C Van Leeuwen, HR Schultz, I Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri, E Duchêne, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (33), E3051-E3052, 2013
Urbanisation induces early flowering: evidence from Platanus acerifolia and Prunus cerasus
A Mimet, V Pellissier, H Quénol, R Aguejdad, V Dubreuil, F Roze
International Journal of Biometeorology 53, 287-298, 2009
Assessing local climate vulnerability and winegrowers’ adaptive processes in the context of climate change
E Neethling, T Petitjean, H Quénol, G Barbeau
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 22, 777-803, 2017
Change in climate and berry composition for grapevine varieties cultivated in the Loire Valley
E Neethling, G Barbeau, C Bonnefoy, H Quénol
Climate Research 53 (2), 89-101, 2012
Características das ilhas de calor em cidades de porte médio: exemplos de Presidente Prudente (Brasil) e Rennes (França)
MCCT Amorim, V Dubreuil, H Quenol, JLSA Neto
Confins. Revue franco-brésilienne de géographie/Revista franco-brasilera de …, 2009
Comparison of statistical and dynamical downscaling results from the WRF model
R Le Roux, M Katurji, P Zawar-Reza, H Quénol, A Sturman
Environmental modelling & software 100, 67-73, 2018
Temperature variability at local scale in the Bordeaux area. Relations with environmental factors and impact on vine phenology
L De Rességuier, S Mary, R Le Roux, T Petitjean, H Quénol, ...
Frontiers in plant science 11, 515, 2020
Temporal and spatial analyses of temperature in a French wine-producing area: the Loire Valley.
C Bonnefoy, H Quénol, V Bonnardot, G Barbeau, M Madelin, O Planchon, ...
International Journal of Climatology 33 (8), 2013
Spatial complexity and temporal dynamics in viticulture: A review of climate-driven scales
E Neethling, G Barbeau, C Coulon-Leroy, H Quénol
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 276, 107618, 2019
Defining scales of the land use effect to map the urban heat island in a mid-size European city: Rennes (France)
X Foissard, V Dubreuil, H Quénol
Urban Climate 29, 100490, 2019
Changement climatique et terroirs viticoles
H Quénol
Lavoisier Tec&doc, 2014
Relationships between soil seed bank, vegetation and soil fertility along an urbanisation gradient
V Pellissier, F Rozé, R Aguejdad, H Quénol, P Clergeau
Applied Vegetation Science 11 (3), 325-334, 2008
Interactive effects of landscape and weather on dispersal
T Delattre, M Baguette, F Burel, VM Stevens, H Quénol, P Vernon
Oikos 122 (11), 1576-1585, 2013
A multi-scale climatic analysis of viticultural terroirs in the context of climate change: the “TERADCLIM” project
H Quénol, V Bonnardot
International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences, 23-32, 2014
Regional climate change scenarios applied to viticultural zoning in Mendoza, Argentina
MF Cabré, H Quénol, M Nuñez
International journal of biometeorology 60, 1325-1340, 2016
Changes in atmospheric circulation and temperature trends in major vineyard regions of New Zealand.
A Sturman, H Quénol
International Journal of Climatology 33 (12), 2013
Spatial variability of night temperatures at a fine scale over the Stellenbosch wine district, South Africa
V Bonnardot, VA Carey, M Madelin, S Cautenet, Z Coetzee, H Quénol
OENO One 46 (1), 1-13, 2012
Shifts in climate suitability for wine production as a result of climate change in a temperate climate wine region of Romania
LM Irimia, CV Patriche, H Quenol, L Sfîcă, C Foss
Theoretical and applied climatology 131, 1069-1081, 2018
Application of the Hess-Brezowsky classification to the identification of weather patterns causing heavy winter rainfall in Brittany (France)
O Planchon, H Quénol, N Dupont, S Corgne
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (4), 1161-1173, 2009
Vitesses et modalités de recul des falaises crayeuses de Haute-Normandie (France): méthodologie et variabilité du recul
P Letortu, S Costa, A Bensaid, JM Cador, H Quénol
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 20 (2), 133-144, 2014
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Articles 1–20