Miles R. Silman
Miles R. Silman
Andrew Sabin Professor of Conservation Biology, Wake Forest University
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Benchmark map of forest carbon stocks in tropical regions across three continents
SS Saatchi, NL Harris, S Brown, M Lefsky, ETA Mitchard, W Salas, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 108 (24), 9899-9904, 2011
Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora
H Ter Steege, NCA Pitman, D Sabatier, C Baraloto, RP Salomão, ...
Science 342 (6156), 1243092, 2013
Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas
WF Laurance, D Carolina Useche, J Rendeiro, M Kalka, CJA Bradshaw, ...
Nature 489 (7415), 290-294, 2012
Seed dispersal near and far: patterns across temperate and tropical forests
JS Clark, M Silman, R Kern, E Macklin, J HilleRisLambers
Ecology 80 (5), 1475-1494, 1999
Dominance and distribution of tree species in upper Amazonian terra firme forests
NCA Pitman, JW Terborgh, MR Silman, P Núñez V, DA Neill, CE Cerón, ...
Ecology 82 (8), 2101-2117, 2001
Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition
C Levis, FRC Costa, F Bongers, M Peña-Claros, CR Clement, ...
Science 355 (6328), 925-931, 2017
Tropical forests in the Anthropocene
Y Malhi, TA Gardner, GR Goldsmith, MR Silman, P Zelazowski
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 39 (1), 125-159, 2014
Tree species distributions in an upper Amazonian forest
NCA Pitman, J Terborgh, MR Silman, P Nuñez V
Ecology 80 (8), 2651-2661, 1999
Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven Neotropical forests
IJ Wright, DD Ackerly, F Bongers, KE Harms, G Ibarra-Manriquez, ...
Annals of botany 99 (5), 1003-1015, 2007
Upslope migration of Andean trees
KJ Feeley, MR Silman, MB Bush, W Farfan, KG Cabrera, Y Malhi, P Meir, ...
Journal of Biogeography 38 (4), 783-791, 2011
Microbes do not follow the elevational diversity patterns of plants and animals
N Fierer, CM McCain, P Meir, M Zimmermann, JM Rapp, MR Silman, ...
Ecology 92 (4), 797-804, 2011
Net primary productivity allocation and cycling of carbon along a tropical forest elevational transect in the Peruvian Andes
CAJ Girardin, Y Malhi, L Aragao, M Mamani, W Huaraca Huasco, ...
Global Change Biology 16 (12), 3176-3192, 2010
48,000 years of climate and forest change in a biodiversity hot spot
MB Bush, MR Silman, DH Urrego
Science 303 (5659), 827-829, 2004
Introduction: Elevation gradients in the tropics: laboratories for ecosystem ecology and global change research Y. MALHI et al. ELEVATION GRADIENTS IN THE TROPICS.
Y Malhi, M Silman, N Salinas, M Bush, P Meir, S Saatchi
Global Change Biology 16 (12), 2010
Deforestation and forest degradation due to gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon: A 34-year perspective
J Caballero Espejo, M Messinger, F Román-Dañobeytia, C Ascorra, ...
Remote sensing 10 (12), 1903, 2018
Widespread but heterogeneous responses of Andean forests to climate change
B Fadrique, S Báez, Á Duque, A Malizia, C Blundo, J Carilla, ...
Nature 564 (7735), 207-212, 2018
Keep collecting: accurate species distribution modelling requires more collections than previously thought
KJ Feeley, MR Silman
Diversity and distributions 17 (6), 1132-1140, 2011
Microbes follow Humboldt: temperature drives plant and soil microbial diversity patterns from the Amazon to the Andes
AT Nottingham, N Fierer, BL Turner, J Whitaker, NJ Ostle, NP McNamara, ...
Ecology 99 (11), 2455-2466, 2018
Sparse pre-Columbian human habitation in western Amazonia
CH McMichael, DR Piperno, MB Bush, MR Silman, AR Zimmerman, ...
Science 336 (6087), 1429-1431, 2012
Land‐use and climate change effects on population size and extinction risk of Andean plants
KJ Feeley, MR Silman
Global change biology 16 (12), 3215-3222, 2010
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