Leonid Manevitch
Leonid Manevitch
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Normal modes and localization in nonlinear systems
LI Manevitch, YV Mikhlin, VN Pilipchuk, AA Zevin
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001
Energy pumping in nonlinear mechanical oscillators: part I—dynamics of the underlying Hamiltonian systems
O Gendelman, LI Manevitch, AF Vakakis, R M’Closkey
J. Appl. Mech. 68 (1), 34-41, 2001
Dynamics of linear discrete systems connected to local, essentially non-linear attachments
AF Vakakis, LI Manevitch, O Gendelman, L Bergman
Journal of Sound and Vibration 264 (3), 559-577, 2003
Asymptotic approaches in nonlinear dynamics: new trends and applications
J Awrejcewicz, IV Andrianov, LI Manevitch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
The description of localized normal modes in a chain of nonlinear coupled oscillators using complex variables
LI Manevitch
Nonlinear Dynamics 25, 95-109, 2001
The mechanics of nonlinear systems with internal resonances
AI Manevich, LI Manevich
World Scientific, 2005
Nonlinear dynamics of topological solitons in DNA
LV Yakushevich, AV Savin, LI Manevitch
Physical Review E 66 (1), 016614, 2002
Asymptotical mechanics of thin-walled structures
IV Andrianov, J Awrejcewicz, LI Manevitch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
New approach to beating phenomenon in coupled nonlinear oscillatory chains
L Manevitch
Archive of Applied Mechanics 77 (5), 301-312, 2007
Resonance captures and targeted energy transfers in an inertially-coupled rotational nonlinear energy sink
G Sigalov, OV Gendelman, MA Al-Shudeifat, LI Manevitch, AF Vakakis, ...
Nonlinear dynamics 69, 1693-1704, 2012
Dynamics of an eccentric rotational nonlinear energy sink
OV Gendelman, G Sigalov, LI Manevitch, M Mane, AF Vakakis, ...
The method of normal oscillation for essentially nonlinear systems
LI Manevich, YV Mikhlin, VN Pilipchuk
Nauka, Moscow, 1989
Complex representation of dynamics of coupled nonlinear oscillators
LI Manevitch
Mathematical models of non-linear excitations, transfer, dynamics, and …, 1999
Dynamics of a linear oscillator coupled to a bistable light attachment: analytical study
LI Manevitch, G Sigalov, F Romeo, LA Bergman, A Vakakis
Journal of Applied Mechanics 81 (4), 041011, 2014
Mechanics of periodically heterogeneous structures
LI Manevitch, IV Andrianov, VG Oshmyan
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Limiting phase trajectories and the origin of energy localization in nonlinear oscillatory chains
LI Manevitch, VV Smirnov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (3 …, 2010
Dynamics of coupled linear and essentially nonlinear oscillators with substantially different masses
OV Gendelman, DV Gorlov, LI Manevitch, AI Musienko
Journal of Sound and Vibration 286 (1-2), 1-19, 2005
Towards the design of an optimal energetic sink in a strongly inhomogeneous two-degree-of-freedom system
LI Manevitch, E Gourdon, CH Lamarque
Asymptotology: ideas, methods, and applications
IV Andrianov, LI Manevitch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Low-frequency linear vibrations of single-walled carbon nanotubes: Analytical and numerical models
M Strozzi, LI Manevitch, F Pellicano, VV Smirnov, DS Shepelev
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (13), 2936-2957, 2014
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Articles 1–20