Mabrouk Benhamou
Mabrouk Benhamou
Professor, Faculty of Sciences of Meknes, University Moulay Ismail, Morocco
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Scattering and phase behavior of cross-linked blends
M Benmouna, TA Vilgis, M Daoud, M Benhamou
Macromolecules 27 (5), 1172-1176, 1994
Phase separation of weakly cross-linked polymer blends
A Bettachy, A Derouiche, M Benhamou, M Daoud
Journal de Physique I 1 (2), 153-158, 1991
Branched polymers in restricted geometry: Flory theory, scaling and blobs
TA Vilgis, P Haronska, M Benhamou
Journal de Physique II 4 (12), 2187-2196, 1994
Multiplicative renormalization of continuous polymer theories, in good and θ solvents, up to critical dimensions
M Benhamou, G Mahoux
Journal de Physique 47 (4), 559-568, 1986
Microphase separation of crosslinked polymer blends in solution
M Benhamou, A Derouiche, A Bettachy
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (6), 2513-2519, 1997
Scattered intensity by a cross‐linked polymer blend
A Bettachy, A Derouiche, M Benhamou, M Benmouna, TA Vilgis, M Daoud
Macromolecular theory and simulations 4 (1), 67-76, 1995
Long polymers in good solvent: ε-expansion of the ratio of the radius of gyration to the end to end distance
M Benhamou, G Mahoux
Journal de Physique Lettres 46 (15), 689-693, 1985
Kinetics of microphase separation in crosslinked polymer blends
A Derouiche, A Bettachy, M Benhamou, M Daoud
Macromolecules 25 (26), 7188-7191, 1992
Investigation of PEG4000/Natural clay-based hybrids: Elaboration, characterization and theory
S Ghyati, S Kassou, M El Jai, M Benhamou
Materials Chemistry and Physics 239, 121993, 2020
Statistical mechanics of a colloidal suspension in contact with a fluctuating membrane
T Bickel, M Benhamou, H Kaïdi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (5 …, 2004
Determination of the amplitude of the repulsive-pair potential between particles clothed by end-grafted polymers
M Badia, M Benhamou, A Derouiche, JL Bretonnet
Colloid and Polymer Science 279, 763-770, 2001
Phase separation in confined polymer blends
R Cherrabi, A Saout-Elhak, M Benhamou, M Daoud
The Journal of chemical physics 111 (17), 8174-8181, 1999
Field‐theoretical approach to critical microphase behavior of symmetric crosslinked polymer blends
M Benhamou
The Journal of chemical physics 102 (14), 5854-5862, 1995
Study of cage effect and subdiffusion in Pickering emulsions from Molecular Dynamics simulations
M Badia, S El-Moudny, M Benhamou, M El Ossmani
Journal of Molecular Liquids 240, 1-13, 2017
Surface-mediated attraction between colloids
H Kaidi, T Bickel, M Benhamou
Europhysics Letters 69 (1), 15, 2004
Exact effective force between star-polymers in a-solvent
M Benhamou, M Himmi, F Benzouine, A Bettachy, A Derouiche
The European Physical Journal E 13 (4), 353-358, 2004
Interaction force between colloidal particles clothed by end-grafted polydisperse polymer chains in solution
M Himmi, M Benhamou, A Bettachy, M Daoud
Journal of molecular liquids 102 (1-3), 347-363, 2003
Structure and thermodynamics of Pickering emulsions stabilized by adsorbed charged particles
S El-Moudny, M Badia, M Benhamou
Journal of Molecular Liquids 225, 174-185, 2017
Optical properties of Al2O3 thin films doped with hollow monometallic and core/shell bimetallic gold, silver nanoparticles
A Akouibaa, R Masrour, M Benhamou, A Derouiche, M Ouarch
Optical and Quantum Electronics 54 (9), 606, 2022
Numerical investigation of electronic, dielectric and optical properties of CdO, SnO2/CdO and SnO2/CdO/PVP nanocomposites
A Akouibaa, R Masrour, A Jabar, G Kadim, M Benhamou, A Derouiche
Optical and Quantum Electronics 53, 1-20, 2021
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