Christoffer Green-Pedersen
Christoffer Green-Pedersen
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Punctuated equilibrium in comparative perspective
FR Baumgartner, C Breunig, C Green‐Pedersen, BD Jones, ...
American Journal of Political Science 53 (3), 603-620, 2009
If you can't beat them, join them? Explaining social democratic responses to the challenge from the populist radical right in Western Europe
T Bale, C Green-Pedersen, AA Krouwel, KR Luther, N Sitter
Political studies 58 (3), 410-426, 2010
The growing importance of issue competition: The changing nature of party competition in Western Europe
C Green-Pedersen
Political studies 55 (3), 607-628, 2007
Who sets the agenda and who responds to it in the Danish parliament? A new model of issue competition and agenda‐setting
C Green‐Pedersen, PB Mortensen
European Journal of Political Research 49 (2), 257-281, 2010
Comparative studies of policy agendas
FR Baumgartner, C Green-Pedersen, BD Jones
Journal of European public policy 13 (7), 959-974, 2006
Immigration as a political issue in Denmark and Sweden
C Green‐Pedersen, J Krogstrup
European journal of political research 47 (5), 610-634, 2008
The dependent variable problem within the study of welfare state retrenchment: Defining the problem and looking for solutions
C Green-Pedersen
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 6 (1), 3-14, 2004
A general empirical law of public budgets: A comparative analysis
BD Jones, FR Baumgartner, C Breunig, C Wlezien, S Soroka, M Foucault, ...
American Journal of Political Science 53 (4), 855-873, 2009
The politics of justification: party competition and welfare-state retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998
C Green-Pedersen
Amsterdam University Press, 2002
A giant fast asleep? Party incentives and the politicisation of European integration
C Green-Pedersen
Political Studies 60 (1), 115-130, 2012
New public management reforms of the Danish and Swedish welfare states: The role of different social democratic responses
C Green‐Pedersen
Governance 15 (2), 271-294, 2002
Morality Politics in Western Europe: Parties, Agendas and Policy Choices
I Engeli
Palgrave, 2012
The political conditionality of mass media influence: When do parties follow mass media attention?
C Green-Pedersen, R Stubager
British Journal of Political Science 40 (3), 663-677, 2010
Dismantling public policy: Preferences, strategies, and effects
MW Bauer
Oxford University Press, USA, 2012
Avoidance and engagement: Issue competition in multiparty systems
C Green-Pedersen, PB Mortensen
Political Studies 63 (4), 747-764, 2015
Welfare-state retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands, 1982-1998: The role of party competition and party consensus
C Green-Pedersen
Comparative Political Studies 34 (9), 963-985, 2001
Effects of the core functions of government on the diversity of executive agendas
W Jennings, S Bevan, A Timmermans, G Breeman, S Brouard, ...
Comparative Political Studies 44 (8), 1001-1030, 2011
Agenda setting, policies, and political systems: A comparative approach
C Green-Pedersen, S Walgrave
University of Chicago Press, 2020
Neo-liberalism, the'third way'or what? Recent social democratic welfare policies in Denmark and the Netherlands
C Green-Pedersen, K Kersbergen, A Hemerijck
Journal of European Public Policy 8 (2), 307-325, 2001
Going different ways? Right-wing parties and the immigrant issue in Denmark and Sweden
C Green-Pedersen, P Odmalm
Immigration and Integration Policy in Europe, 53-67, 2013
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Articles 1–20