Tim Nagel
Tim Nagel
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SedFoam-2.0: a 3-D two-phase flow numerical model for sediment transport
J Chauchat, Z Cheng, T Nagel, C Bonamy, TJ Hsu
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (12), 4367-4392, 2017
Three-dimensional scour simulations with a two-phase flow model
T Nagel, J Chauchat, C Bonamy, X Liu, Z Cheng, TJ Hsu
Advances in Water Resources 138, 103544, 2020
Two-phase flow simulation of tunnel and lee-wake erosion of scour below a submarine pipeline
A Mathieu, J Chauchat, C Bonamy, T Nagel
Water 11 (8), 1727, 2019
A theoretical analysis of mixing length for atmospheric models from micro to large scales
R Honnert, V Masson, C Lac, T Nagel
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 582056, 2021
On the multi-scale interactions between an offshore-wind-turbine wake and the ocean-sediment dynamics in an idealized framework–A numerical investigation
T Nagel, J Chauchat, A Wirth, C Bonamy
Renewable Energy 115, 783-796, 2018
Drag coefficient and turbulence mixing length of local climate zone-based urban morphologies derived using obstacle-resolving modelling
T Nagel, R Schoetter, V Bourgin, V Masson, E Onofri
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 186 (3), 737-769, 2023
Numerical analysis of the atmospheric boundary-layer turbulence influence on microscale transport of pollutant in an idealized urban environment
T Nagel, R Schoetter, V Masson, C Lac, B Carissimo
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 184 (1), 113-141, 2022
SedFoam-2.0: a 3-D two-phase flow numerical model for sediment transport. Geoscientific Model Development, 10 (12): 4367-4392. doi: 10.5194
J Chauchat, Z Cheng, T Nagel, C Bonamy, TJ Hsu
gmd-10-4367-2017, 2017
Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile
T Nagel, J Chauchat, Z Cheng, X Liu, TJ Hsu, C Bonamy, O Bertrand
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, EP43C-1900, 2017
Numerical study of multi-scale flow-sediment-structure interactions using a multiphase approach.
T Nagel
Université Grenoble Alpes, 2018
SedFoam-2.0: a 3-D two-phase flow numerical model for sediment transport, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 4367–4392
J Chauchat, Z Cheng, T Nagel, C Bonamy, TJ Hsu
The heat and health in cities (H2C) project to support the prevention of extreme heat in cities
A Lemonsu, JM Alessandrini, J Capo, M Claeys, E Cordeau, C de Munck, ...
Climate services, 100472, 2024
Application of a Eulerian two-phase flow model to scour processes
A Mathieu, T Nagel, C Bonamy, J Chauchat, Z Cheng, X Liu, TJ Hsu
E3S web of conferences 40, 05015, 2018
Impact of boundary layer stability on urban park cooling effect intensity
M Haeffelin, JF Ribaud, J Céspedes, JC Dupont, A Lemonsu, V Masson, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24 (24), 14101-14122, 2024
sedFoam, a OpenFOAM solver for sediment transport
C Bonamy, J Chauchat, Z Cheng, T Nagel, TJ Hsu
12th OpenFoam Workshop, 2017
C Bonamy, J Chauchat, A Mathieu, EP Montella, R Chassagne, Z Cheng, ...
Étude numérique des interactions multi-échelles écoulement-sédiment-structure par une approche multiphasique
T Nagel
Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018
High-resolution modelling of park cooling efficiency during summer in Paris
M Havu, T Nagel, J Wurtz, V Masson, M Rivollet, M Haeffelin, JF Ribaud, ...
EMS2024, 2024
Investigation of urban park cooling efficiency during summer in Paris with drones, sondes, and ground measurements
T Nagel, M Rivollet, W Sarah, M Goret, G Roberts, A Lemonsu, V Masson, ...
EMS2024, 2024
L’effet rafraichissant des parcs à Paris pendant PANAME 2023
G Roberts, M Goret, S Baudru, J Barrié, C de Munck, T Nagel, A Lemonsu, ...
Journées Drones & Cap'2023, 2023
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