Louise Guillaume
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Citée par
The age of the opening of the Ice-Free Corridor and implications for the peopling of the Americas
J Clark, AE Carlson, AV Reyes, ECB Carlson, L Guillaume, GA Milne, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (14), e2118558119, 2022
Immersive and interactive three-dimensional virtual fieldwork: Assessing the student learning experience and value to improve inclusivity of geosciences degrees
L Guillaume, V Laurent, MJ Genge
Journal of Geoscience Education 71 (4), 462-475, 2023
Offshore-onshore record of Last Glacial Maximum–to–present grounding line retreat at Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
KA Nichols, DH Rood, RA Venturelli, G Balco, JR Adams, L Guillaume, ...
Geology 51 (11), 1033-1037, 2023
Timing of Cordilleran-Laurentide ice-sheet separation: Implications for sea-level rise
AV Reyes, AE Carlson, J Clark, L Guillaume, GA Milne, L Tarasov, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 328, 108554, 2024
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