samir moulahoum
samir moulahoum
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Fault detection and diagnosis based on C4. 5 decision tree algorithm for grid connected PV system
R Benkercha, S Moulahoum
Solar Energy 173, 610-634, 2018
An enhanced dynamic model of battery using genetic algorithm suitable for photovoltaic applications
S Blaifi, S Moulahoum, I Colak, W Merrouche
Applied Energy 169, 888-898, 2016
M5P model tree based fast fuzzy maximum power point tracker
S Blaifi, S Moulahoum, R Benkercha, B Taghezouit, A Saim
Solar Energy 163, 405-424, 2018
Extraction of the PV modules parameters with MPP estimation using the modified flower algorithm
R Benkercha, S Moulahoum, B Taghezouit
Renewable Energy 143, 1698-1709, 2019
An enhanced dynamic modeling of PV module using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
S Blaifi, S Moulahoum, B Taghezouit, A Saim
Renewable Energy 135, 745-760, 2019
Analysis, design and real-time implementation of shunt active power filter for power quality improvement based on predictive direct power control
O Aissa, S Moulahoum, I Colak, B Babes, N Kabache
2016 IEEE international conference on renewable energy research and …, 2016
PV module parameters extraction with maximum power point estimation based on flower pollination algorithm
R Benkercha, S Moulahoum, I Colak, B Taghezouit
2016 IEEE international power electronics and motion control conference …, 2016
Monitoring and enhanced dynamic modeling of battery by genetic algorithm using LabVIEW applied in photovoltaic system
S Blaifi, S Moulahoum, I Colak, W Merrouche
Electrical Engineering 100, 1021-1038, 2018
Analysis and experimental evaluation of shunt active power filter for power quality improvement based on predictive direct power control
O Aissa, S Moulahoum, I Colak, B Babes, N Kabache
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 24548-24560, 2018
Design and real time implementation of adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system controller based unity single phase power factor converter
A Benyamina, S Moulahoum, I Colak, R Bayindir
Electric Power Systems Research 152, 357-366, 2017
Simplicity and performance of direct current control dcc compared with other identification algorithms for shunt active power filter
A Bouhouta, S Moulahoum, N Kabache, I Colak
2018 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2018
Design and real time implementation of three-phase three switches three levels Vienna rectifier based on intelligent controllers
O Aissa, S Moulahoum, B Babes, N Kabache
Applied Soft Computing 56, 158-172, 2017
Neural Network Based Field Oriented Control for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
M Hallouz, N Kabache, S Moulahoum, S Kouadria
Int. J. Smart grid 2 (3), 2-6, 2018
Modelling of fuzzy logic controller of a maximum power point tracker based on artificial neural network
R Benkercha, S Moulahoum, I Colak
2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2017
Hybrid fuzzy logic-artificial neural network controller for shunt active power filter
A Benyamina, S Moulahoum, I Colak, R Bayindir
2016 IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2016
BA to construction of equivalent circuit of a transformer winding from frequency response analysis measurement
MS Chaouche, H Houassine, S Moulahoum, I Colak
IET Electric Power Applications 12 (5), 728-736, 2018
Improved performance and power quality of direct torque control of asynchronous motor by using intelligent controllers
O Aissa, S Moulahoum, I Colak, N Kabache, B Babes
Electric Power Components and Systems 44 (4), 343-358, 2016
Model predictive control to improve the power system stability
K Sebaa, S Moulahoum, H Houassine, N Kabache
2012 13th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and …, 2012
Induction machine modeling with saturation and series iron losses resistance
S Moulahoum, O Touhami, R Ibtiouen, M Fadel
2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference 2, 1067-1072, 2007
Finite element method to construct a lumped parameter ladder network of the transformer winding
MS Chaouche, H Houassine, S Moulahoum, I Colak
2017 IEEE 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2017
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