Eduardo Cunha de Almeida
Eduardo Cunha de Almeida
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Discovery of approximate (and exact) denial constraints
EHM Pena, EC De Almeida, F Naumann
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (3), 266-278, 2019
Operand Size Reconfiguration for Big Data Processing in Memory
PC Santos, GF Oliveira, DG Tomé, E Cunha de Almeida, MAZ Alves, ...
DATE 2017: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 2017
Towards image-based automatic meter reading in unconstrained scenarios: A robust and efficient approach
R Laroca, AB Araujo, LA Zanlorensi, EC De Almeida, D Menotti
Ieee Access 9, 67569-67584, 2021
ControVol: A framework for controlled schema evolution in NoSQL application development
S Scherzinger, T Cerqueus, EC de Almeida
ICDE 2015: IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering, 1464-1467, 2015
Database processing-in-memory: An experimental study
TR Kepe, EC de Almeida, MAZ Alves
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (3), 334-347, 2019
A framework for testing peer-to-peer systems
EC De Almeida, G Sunyé, Y Le Traon, P Valduriez
2008 19th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE …, 2008
Efficient distributed test architectures for large-scale systems
E de Almeida, J Marynowski, G Sunyé, Y Le Traon, P Valduriez
Testing Software and Systems, 174-187, 2010
Safely Managing Data Variety in Big Data Software Development
T Cerqueus, EC de Almeida, S Scherzinger
Proc. BIGDSE @ ICSE 15, 2015
BFASTDC: A bitwise algorithm for mining denial constraints
EHM Pena, EC de Almeida
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 29th International Conference …, 2018
Testing peer-to-peer systems
EC de Almeida, G Sunyé, Y Le Traon, P Valduriez
Empirical Software Engineering 15, 346-379, 2010
Fast detection of denial constraint violations
EHM Pena, EC de Almeida, F Naumann
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15 (4), 859-871, 2021
A Case Study of the Aggregation Query Model in Read-Mostly NoSQL Document Stores
D Pasqualin, G Souza, EL Buratti, EC de Almeida, MDD Fabro, ...
IDEAS 2016: 20th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, 2016
Model-based testing of global properties on large-scale distributed systems
G Sunyé, EC De Almeida, Y Le Traon, B Baudry, JM Jézéquel
Information and Software Technology 56 (7), 749-762, 2014
Testing mapreduce-based systems
JE Marynowski, M Albonico, EC de Almeida, G Sunyé
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.6580, 2012
Under pressure benchmark for ddbms availability
AG Fior, JA Meira, EC de Almeida, RG Coelho, MD Del Fabro, Y Le Traon
Journal of Information and Data Management 4 (3), 266-266, 2013
Cracking KD-Tree: The First Multidimensional Adaptive Indexing (Position Paper).
P Holanda, M Nerone, EC de Almeida, S Manegold
DATA, 393-399, 2018
HIPE: HMC instruction predication extension applied on database processing
DG Tomé, PC Santos, L Carro, EC Almeida, MAZ Alves
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 261-264, 2018
On the necessity of model checking nosql database schemas when building saas applications
S Scherzinger, EC De Almeida, F Ickert, MD Del Fabro
Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Testing the Cloud, 1-6, 2013
Peer-to-peer load testing
JA Meira, EC de Almeida, Y Le Traon, G Sunye
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Peerunit: a framework for testing peer-to-peer systems
EC de Almeida, JE Marynowski, G Sunyé, P Valduriez
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2010
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Articles 1–20