Nicolas Passat
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Cited by
Multiscale brain MRI super-resolution using deep 3D convolutional networks
CH Pham, C Tor-Díez, H Meunier, N Bednarek, R Fablet, N Passat, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 77, 101647, 2019
A non-local fuzzy segmentation method: application to brain MRI
B Caldairou, N Passat, PA Habas, C Studholme, F Rousseau
Pattern Recognition 44 (9), 1916-1927, 2011
Spatio-temporal reasoning for the classification of satellite image time series
F Petitjean, C Kurtz, N Passat, P Gançarski
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (13), 1805-1815, 2012
Extraction of complex patterns from multiresolution remote sensing images: A hierarchical top-down methodology
C Kurtz, N Passat, P Gancarski, A Puissant
Pattern Recognition 45 (2), 685-706, 2012
Magnetic resonance angiography: From anatomical knowledge modeling to vessel segmentation
N Passat, C Ronse, J Baruthio, JP Armspach, C Maillot
Medical image analysis 10 (2), 259-274, 2006
Region‐growing segmentation of brain vessels: An atlas‐based automatic approach
N Passat, C Ronse, J Baruthio, JP Armspach, C Maillot, C Jahn
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2005
Hierarchical extraction of landslides from multiresolution remotely sensed optical images
C Kurtz, A Stumpf, JP Malet, P Gançarski, A Puissant, N Passat
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 87, 122-136, 2014
SegSRGAN: Super-resolution and segmentation using generative adversarial networks—Application to neonatal brain MRI
Q Delannoy, CH Pham, C Cazorla, C Tor-Díez, G Dollé, H Meunier, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 120, 103755, 2020
Filtering and segmentation of 3D angiographic data: Advances based on mathematical morphology
A Dufour, O Tankyevych, B Naegel, H Talbot, C Ronse, J Baruthio, ...
Medical image analysis 17 (2), 147-164, 2013
Grey-level hit-or-miss transforms—part I: unified theory
B Naegel, N Passat, C Ronse
Pattern Recognition 40 (2), 635-647, 2007
Curvilinear structure analysis by ranking the orientation responses of path operators
O Merveille, H Talbot, L Najman, N Passat
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40 (2), 304-317, 2017
3D segmentation of coronary arteries based on advanced mathematical morphology techniques
B Bouraoui, C Ronse, J Baruthio, N Passat, P Germain
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 34 (5), 377-387, 2010
Interactive segmentation based on component-trees
N Passat, B Naegel, F Rousseau, M Koob, JL Dietemann
Pattern Recognition 44 (10-11), 2539-2554, 2011
Fully automatic 3D segmentation of coronary arteries based on mathematical morphology
B Bouraoui, C Ronse, J Baruthio, N Passat, P Germain
2008 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to …, 2008
Unsupervised quantification of under-and over-segmentation for object-based remote sensing image analysis
A Troya-Galvis, P Gançarski, N Passat, L Berti-Equille
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
Grey-level hit-or-miss transforms—Part II: Application to angiographic image processing
B Naegel, N Passat, C Ronse
Pattern Recognition 40 (2), 648-658, 2007
Vesselness filters: A survey with benchmarks applied to liver imaging
J Lamy, O Merveille, B Kerautret, N Passat, A Vacavant
2020 25th international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 3528-3535, 2021
Automated 3D lymphoma lesion segmentation from PET/CT characteristics
E Grossiord, H Talbot, N Passat, M Meignan, L Najman
2017 IEEE 14th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017
Segmentation using vector-attribute filters: methodology and application to dermatological imaging
B Naegel, N Passat, N Boch, M Kocher
Proceedings of International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM), 10 …, 2007
Component-trees and multivalued images: Structural properties
N Passat, B Naegel
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 49, 37-50, 2014
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Articles 1–20