Paul Zegeling
Paul Zegeling
Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University
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Pattern formation in the one-dimensional Gray-Scott model
A Doelman, TJ Kaper, PA Zegeling
Nonlinearity 10 (2), 523, 1997
Can a species keep pace with a shifting climate?
H Berestycki, O Diekmann, CJ Nagelkerke, PA Zegeling
Bulletin of mathematical biology 71, 399-429, 2009
A numerical study of three moving-grid methods for one-dimensional partial differential equations which are based on the method of lines
RM Furzeland, JG Verwer, PA Zegeling
Journal of Computational Physics 89 (2), 349-388, 1990
Algorithm 731: a moving-grid interface for systems of one-dimensional time-dependent partial differential equations
JG Blom, PA Zegeling
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 20 (2), 194-214, 1994
A moving-grid method for one-dimensional PDEs based on the method of lines
JG Verwer, JG Blom, RM Furzeland, PA Zegeling
CWI, 1988
Adaptive moving mesh computations for reaction–diffusion systems
PA Zegeling, HP Kok
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 168 (1-2), 519-528, 2004
A robust moving mesh finite volume method applied to 1D hyperbolic conservation laws from magnetohydrodynamics
A van Dam, PA Zegeling
Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2), 526-546, 2006
Method of lines study of nonlinear dispersive waves
P Saucez, AV Wouwer, WE Schiesser, P Zegeling
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 168 (1-2), 413-423, 2004
A homotopy perturbation method for fractional-order advection-diffusion-reaction boundary-value problems
I Ateş, PA Zegeling
Applied Mathematical Modelling 47, 425-441, 2017
Moving-grid methods for time-dependent partial differential equations
PA Zegeling
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), 1993
Numerical solutions of a generalized theory for macroscopic capillarity
F Doster, PA Zegeling, R Hilfer
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (3 …, 2010
Application of a moving grid method to a class of 1D brine transport problems in porous media
PA Zegeling, JG Verwer, JCH Van Eijkeren
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 15 (2), 175-191, 1992
Balanced monitoring of flow phenomena in moving mesh methods
A van Dam, PA Zegeling
Communications in Computational Physics 7 (1), 138, 2010
Moving grid techniques
PA Zegeling
Handbook of Grid Generation, 37, 1999
Solitary waves in nonlinear beam equations: stability, fission and fusion
AR Champneys, PJ McKenna, PA Zegeling
Nonlinear Dynamics 21, 31-53, 2000
A numerical study of two-phase flow models with dynamic capillary pressure and hysteresis
H Zhang, PA Zegeling
Transport in Porous Media 116, 825-846, 2017
An evaluation of the gradient-weighted moving-finite-element method in one space dimension
PA Zegeling, JG Blom
Journal of Computational Physics 103 (2), 422-441, 1992
On resistive MHD models with adaptive moving meshes
PA Zegeling
Journal of Scientific Computing 24, 263-284, 2005
Robust and efficient adaptive moving mesh solution of the 2-D Euler equations
PA Zegeling, WD De Boer, HZ Tang
Contemporary Mathematics 383, 375, 2005
Nonmonotone saturation profiles for hydrostatic equilibrium in homogeneous porous media
R Hilfer, F Doster, PA Zegeling
Vadose Zone Journal 11 (3), vzj2012.0021, 2012
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Articles 1–20