Biosignatures on Mars: what, where, and how? Implications for the search for martian life F Westall, F Foucher, N Bost, M Bertrand, D Loizeau, JL Vago, G Kminek, ... Astrobiology 15 (11), 998-1029, 2015 | 295 | 2015 |
Habitability on Mars from a microbial point of view F Westall, D Loizeau, F Foucher, N Bost, M Betrand, J Vago, G Kminek Astrobiology 13 (9), 887-897, 2013 | 157 | 2013 |
Analysis of the scientific capabilities of the ExoMars Raman Laser Spectrometer instrument G Lopez-Reyes, F Rull, G Venegas, F Westall, F Foucher, N Bost, A Sanz, ... European Journal of Mineralogy 25 (5), 721-733, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Effect of grain size distribution on Raman analyses and the consequences for in situ planetary missions F Foucher, G Lopez‐Reyes, N Bost, F Rull‐Perez, P Rüßmann, F Westall Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44 (6), 916-925, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Testing the ability of the ExoMars 2018 payload to document geological context and potential habitability on Mars N Bost, C Ramboz, N Lebreton, F Foucher, G Lopez-Reyes, S De Angelis, ... Planetary and Space Science 108, 87-97, 2015 | 58 | 2015 |
The catalytic effect of iron oxides on the formation of nano-carbon by the Boudouard reaction in refractories N Bost, MR Ammar, ML Bouchetou, J Poirier Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (8), 2133-2142, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Petrographical and mineralogical applications of Raman mapping F Foucher, G Guimbretière, N Bost, F Westall, K Maaz Raman spectroscopy and applications, 163-180, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Missions to Mars: characterisation of Mars analogue rocks for the International Space Analogue Rockstore (ISAR) N Bost, F Westall, C Ramboz, F Foucher, D Pullan, A Meunier, S Petit, ... Planetary and Space Science 82, 113-127, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Definition and use of functional analogues in planetary exploration F Foucher, K Hickman-Lewis, A Hutzler, KH Joy, L Folco, JC Bridges, ... Planetary and Space Science 197, 105162, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Raman spectra of synthetic and natural mullite N Bost, S Duraipandian, G Guimbretière, J Poirier Vibrational Spectroscopy 82, 50-52, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Synthesis of a spinifex‐textured basalt as an analog to Gusev crater basalts, Mars N Bost, F Westall, F Gaillard, C Ramboz, F Foucher Meteoritics & Planetary Science 47 (5), 820-831, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Probing the structural organisation of sp2 carbons obtained by the Boudouard reaction using in situ Raman scattering in reducing conditions N Bost, A Canizarès, MR Ammar, N Raimboux, P Melin, P Simon, J Poirier Vibrational Spectroscopy 87, 157-163, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Some Good News: Inhibition of The Boudouard Reaction in Refractory Materials Subjected to CO and H2 Reducing Atmosphere J Poirier, N Bost, A Coulson, S Brassamin, A Canizares, MR Ammar UNITECR proceedings, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
An Introduction of the fluorine and nitrogen on properties of Ca-Si-Al-O glasses A Bachar, C Mercier, C Follet, N Bost, F Bentiss, S Hampshire J. Mater. Environ. Sci 7, 347-355, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Geochemical and mineralogical analysis of Mars analogue materials and the creation of the International Space Analogue Rock Store (ISAR) N Bost Université d'Orléans, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Inhibiting the sp2 carbon deposition by adjunction of sulphurous species in refractory ceramics subjected to CO and H2 reducing atmosphere J Kadok, N Bost, A Coulon, MR Ammar, S Brassamin, C Genevois, ... Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (9), 2960-2972, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Effect of the crushing process on Raman analyses: consequences for the Mars 2018 mission F Foucher, G López Reyes, N Bost, F Rull, P Rüßmann, F Westall EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4318, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Effect of grain size distribution on Raman analyses: consequences for ExoMars-C measurements F Foucher, N Bost, P Rüßman, F Westall EPSC-DPS joint meeting, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
Igneous rock powder identification using colour cameras: A powerful method for space exploration F Foucher, N Bost, G Guimbretière, A Courtois, K Hickman-Lewis, ... Icarus 375, 114848, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Microimaging VIS‐IR spectroscopy of ancient volcanic rocks as Mars analogues P Manzari, S De Angelis, MC De Sanctis, T Di Iorio, E Ammannito, N Bost, ... Earth and Space Science 3 (7), 268-281, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |