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Electrocoagulation process applied to wastewater containing dyes from textile industry
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, M Hecini, H Hamitouche
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 49 (11), 1176-1182, 2010
Study on the treatment of photovoltaic wastewater using electrocoagulation: Fluoride removal with aluminium electrodes—Characteristics of products
N Drouiche, S Aoudj, M Hecini, N Ghaffour, H Lounici, N Mameri
Journal of hazardous materials 169 (1-3), 65-69, 2009
Mode I interlaminar fracture of symmetrical cross-ply composites
A Laksimi, ML Benzeggagh, G Jing, M Hecini, JM Roelandt
Composites science and technology 41 (2), 147-164, 1991
Application of an experimental design method to study the performance of electrochlorination cells
A Khelifa, S Moulay, F Hannane, S Benslimene, M Hecini
Desalination 160 (1), 91-98, 2004
HF wastewater remediation by electrocoagulation process
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, M Hecini
Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (7-9), 1596-1602, 2013
Coagulation as a post-treatment method for the defluoridation of photovoltaic cell manufacturing wastewater
S Aoudj, N Drouiche, M Hecini, T Ouslimane, B Palaouane
Procedia engineering 33, 111-120, 2012
Removal of fluoride and turbidity from semiconductor industry wastewater by combined coagulation and electroflotation
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, M Hecini
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (39), 18398-18405, 2016
Fluoride removal from photovoltaic wastewater by aluminium electrocoagulation and characteristics of products
N Drouiche, N Ghaffour, S Aoudj, M Hecini, T Ouslimane
Chemical engineering transactions 17, 1651-1656, 2009
Physico-mechanical characterization of composite materials based on date palm tree fibers
T Djoudi, M Hecini, D Scida, Y Djebloun, H Djemai
Journal of Natural Fibers 18 (6), 789-802, 2021
Electrocoagulation in the dual application on the simultaneous removal of fluoride and nitrate anions through respective adsorption/reduction processes and modelling of …
H Tounsi, T Chaabane, K Omine, V Sivasankar, H Sano, M Hecini, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 46, 102584, 2022
Development of an integrated electro-coagulation–flotation for semiconductor wastewater treatment
S Aoudj, A Khelifa, N Drouiche, M Hecini
Desalination and Water Treatment 55 (6), 1422-1432, 2015
Recovery of cutting fluids used in polycrystalline silicon ingot slicing
M Hecini, N Drouiche, O Bouchelaghem
Journal of Crystal Growth 453, 143-150, 2016
Study of formation, stabilization and properties of porous silicon and porous silica
M Hecini, A Khelifa, B Bouzid, N Drouiche, S Aoudj, H Hamitouche
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 (9), 1227-1234, 2013
Degradation of EDTA by in-situ electrogenerated active chlorine in an electroflotation cell
A Khelifa, S Aoudj, S Moulay, M Hecini, M De Petris-Wery
Desalination and Water treatment 7 (1-3), 119-123, 2009
Experimental determination of elastic modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s coefficient of date palm tree fiber
Y Djebloun, M Hecini, T Djoudi, B Guerira
Journal of Natural Fibers 16 (3), 357-367, 2019
A new 3D 6-node solid finite element based upon the “Space Fibre Rotation” concept
K Meftah, R Ayad, M Hecini
European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique …, 2013
Experimental design for the elimination of fluoride from pretreated photovoltaic wastewater by electrocoagulation
N Drouiche, S Aoudj, M Hecini, T Ouslimane
Chem Eng Trans 24, 1207-12, 2011
Kinetics and adsorption isotherm for the removal of fluoride and chromium (VI) from wastewater by electrocoagulation
S Aoudj, B Cheknane, H Zemmouri, F Zermane, A Khelifa, M Hecini, ...
Desalination and Water Treatment 82, 262-270, 2017
A multilayered 3D hexahedral finite element with rotational DOFs
K Meftah, L Sedira, W Zouari, R Ayad, M Hecini
European Journal of Computational Mechanics 24 (3), 107-128, 2015
An enhanced discrete Mindlin finite element model using a zigzag function
L Sedira, R Ayad, H Sabhi, M Hecini, S Sakami
European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique …, 2012
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