On the vanishing viscosity limit for the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with the friction type boundary conditions T Clopeau, A Mikelic, R Robert Nonlinearity 11 (6), 1625, 1998 | 289 | 1998 |
Homogenizing the acoustic properties of the seabed, part II T Clopeau, JL Ferrin, RP Gilbert, A Mikelić Mathematical and Computer Modelling 33 (8-9), 821-841, 2001 | 118 | 2001 |
A numerical scheme for the pore-scale simulation of crystal dissolution and precipitation in porous media VM Devigne, IS Pop, CJ Van Duijn, T Clopeau SIAM journal on numerical analysis 46 (2), 895-919, 2008 | 26 | 2008 |
Photoluminescent recognition of strong alcoholic beverages with carbon nanoparticles II Ivanov, AN Zaderko, V Lysenko, T Clopeau, VV Lisnyak, ... ACS omega 6 (29), 18802-18810, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Nonstationary flows with viscous heating effects T Clopeau, A Mikelic ESAIM: Proceedings 2, 55-63, 1997 | 10 | 1997 |
Derivation of the diphasic Biot’s law for an elastic solid matrix containing isolated fluid drops T Clopeau, JL Ferrín, A Mikelic Multiscale Problems in Science and Technology: Challenges to Mathematical …, 2002 | 7 | 2002 |
Isothermal water flows in low porosity porous media in presence of vapor–liquid phase change A Farina, J Bodin, T Clopeau, A Fasano, L Meacci, A Mikelić Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 15, 306-325, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Asymptotic equations for the terminal phase of glass fiber drawing and their analysis T Clopeau, A Farina, A Fasano, A Mikelić Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (6), 4533-4545, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
On the effective equation to describe the spreading of a small viscous drop over a rough surface V Roucoules, T Clopeau, P Lanteri, A Milkelic Contact angle, wettability and adhesion 2, 387-402, 2002 | 5* | 2002 |
Viscous drops spreading with evaporation and applications to DNA biochips M Cabrera, T Clopeau, A Mikelić, J Pousin Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004, 320-324, 2006 | 4 | 2006 |
Homogenizing a flow of an incompressible inviscid fluid through an elastic porous media T Clopeau, A Mickelic Acoustics, Mechanics, and the Related Topics of Mathematical Analysis, 108-115, 2002 | 4 | 2002 |
On the non-stationary quasi-Newtonian flow through a thin slab T Clopeau, A Mikelic PITMAN RESEARCH NOTES IN MATHEMATICS SERIES, 1-15, 1998 | 4 | 1998 |
Approximation de la lubrification pour l’étalement de gouttes en présence d’évaporation, application aux biopuces M Cabrera, T Clopeau, A Mikelic, J Pousin La houille blanche 92 (2), 93-99, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |
A numerical scheme for the micro scale dissolution and precipitation in porous media IS Pop, VM Devigne, CJ van Duijn, T Clopeau Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005 …, 2006 | 2 | 2006 |
Simulating groundwater and vortical flows using a non-conforming approximation of Darcy's and Stockes problem V Devigne, M Batton-Hubert, D Graillot, T Clopeau Fourth International Conference on the Analytic Element Method, 2003 | 1 | 2003 |
Fully Discrete Scheme for the Equations Describing Unsaturated Flow in Porous Media with Dynamic Capillary Pressure J Bodin, T Clopeau AIP Conference Proceedings 1168 (1), 1273-1276, 2009 | | 2009 |
Microfluidique-2eme congres SHF de Microfluidique, Toulouse, 14-16 decembre 2004 (2eme partie). Micro-ecoulements liquides-Approximation de la lubrification pour l'etalement de … M Cabrera, T Clopeau, A Mikelic, J Pousin Houille Blanche, 93-99, 2006 | | 2006 |
Approximation de la lubrification pour l'étalement de gouttes en présence d'évaporation, application aux biopuces: Micro-écoulements liquides M CABRERA, T CLOPEAU, A MIKELIC, J POUSIN Houille blanche (Grenoble), 2006 | | 2006 |
Crystal dissolution and precipitation in porous media: the case of fixed geometry C Pop, Devigne, van Duijn, van Noorden CMWR-XVI = XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water …, 2006 | | 2006 |
A numerical approach for the simulation of micro-scale crystal dissolution and precipitation processes in porous media V Devigne, IS Pop, CJ van Duijn, T Clopeau Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 19, 1232 p, ISBN: 978-3-540 …, 2006 | | 2006 |