Charbel El-Hani
Cited by
Cited by
Evolução: o sentido da biologia
D Meyer, CN El-Hani
Unesp, 2005
Multicultural education, pragmatism, and the goals of science teaching
CN El-Hani, EF Mortimer
Cultural studies of science education 2, 657-702, 2007
A síndrome de Down e sua patogênese: considerações sobre o determinismo genético
L Moreira, CN El-Hani, FAF Gusmão
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 22, 96-99, 2000
Notas sobre o ensino de história e filosofia da ciência na educação científica de nível superior
CN El-Hani
Estudos de história e filosofia das ciências: subsídios para aplicação no …, 2006
Formas de construtivismo: mudança conceitual e construtivismo contextual
CN El-Hani, NMV Bizzo
Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Belo Horizonte) 4 (1), 40-64, 2002
Philosophy of ethnobiology: Understanding knowledge integration and its limitations
D Ludwig, CN El-Hani
Journal of Ethnobiology 40 (1), 3-20, 2020
Conceptual profiles: A theory of teaching and learning scientific concepts
EF Mortimer, CN El-Hani
Springer Science & Business Media, 2014
A conceptual framework for understanding the perspectives on the causes of the science–practice gap in ecology and conservation
D Bertuol‐Garcia, C Morsello, C N. El‐Hani, R Pardini
Biological Reviews 93 (2), 1032-1055, 2018
On some theoretical grounds for an organism-centered biology: Property emergence, supervenience, and downward causation
CN El-Hani, C Emmeche
Theory in biosciences 119, 234-275, 2000
Quando visões de mundo se encontram: religião e ciência na trajetória de formação de alunos protestantes de uma licenciatura em ciências biológicas
C Sepulveda, CN El-Hani
Investigações em ensino de ciências 9 (2), 137-175, 2004
Young adults’ belief in genetic determinism, and knowledge and attitudes towards modern genetics and genomics: The PUGGS questionnaire
RB Carver, J Castéra, N Gericke, NAM Evangelista, CN El-Hani
PloS one 12 (1), e0169808, 2017
Between the cross and the sword: the crisis of the gene concept
CN El-Hani
Genetics and molecular biology 30, 297-307, 2007
Emergence theories and pragmatic realism
CN El-Hani, S Pihlström
Essays in Philosophy 3 (2), 143-176, 2002
Semiosis as an emergent process
J Queiroz, CN El-Hani
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 78-116, 2006
Function in ecology: an organizational approach
N Nunes-Neto, A Moreno, CN El-Hani
Biology & Philosophy 29, 123-141, 2014
Valuing indigenous knowledge: to call it “science” will not help
CN El-Hani, FP Souza de Ferreira Bandeira
Cultural Studies of Science Education 3, 751-779, 2008
Conceptual variation or incoherence? Textbook discourse on genes in six countries
NM Gericke, M Hagberg, VC dos Santos, LM Joaquim, CN El-Hani
Science & Education 23, 381-416, 2014
The contribution of ethnobiology to the construction of a dialogue between ways of knowing: a case study in a Brazilian public high school
GCS Baptista, CN El-Hani
Science & Education 18, 503-520, 2009
ComPratica: A virtual community of practice for promoting biology teachers’ professional development in Brazil
CN El-Hani, IM Greca
Research in science education 43, 1327-1359, 2013
Concepções epistemológicas de estudantes de biologia e sua transformação por uma proposta explícita de ensino sobre história e filosofia das ciências
CN El-Hani, EJM Tavares, PLB da Rocha
Investigações em Ensino de ciências 9 (3), 265-313, 2004
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Articles 1–20