thomas devogele
thomas devogele
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On spatial database integration
T Devogele, C Parent, S Spaccapietra
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12 (4), 335-352, 1998
Matching networks with different levels of detail
S Mustière, T Devogele
GeoInformatica 12, 435-453, 2008
Building a multi-scale database with scale-transition relationships
T Devogele, J Trevisan, L Raynal
International symposium on spatial data handling, 337-351, 1996
Spatio-temporal trajectory analysis of mobile objects following the same itinerary
L Etienne, T Devogele, A Bouju
Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science 10, 47-57, 2012
Maritime applications
T Devogele, L Etienne, C Ray
Mobility Data Modeling, Management, and Understanding, 224-243, 2013
A new merging process for data integration based on the discrete Fréchet distance
T Devogele
Advances in spatial data handling: 10th international symposium on spatial …, 2002
Processus d'intégration et d'appariement de bases de données géographiques; application à une base de données routières multi-échelles
T Devogele
Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 1997
Coastline matching process based on the discrete Fréchet distance
A Mascret, T Devogele, I Le Berre, A Hénaff
Progress in Spatial Data Handling: 12th International Symposium on Spatial …, 2006
A relative representation of trajectories in geogaphical spaces
V Noyon, C Claramunt, T Devogele
GeoInformatica 11, 479-496, 2007
Trajectory Box Plot: a new pattern to summarize movements.
G Etienne, L., Devogele, T., Buchin, M., & McArdle
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (5), 835-853, 2016
Maritime GIS: from monitoring to simulation systems
C Claramunt, T Devogele, S Fournier, V Noyon, M Petit, C Ray
Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2007
New tools for multiple representations
S Timpf, T Devogele
PROCEEDINGS of the 18th International Cartographic Conference 1, 1381-1386., 1997
Web architecture for monitoring and visualizing mobile objects in maritime contexts
F Bertrand, A Bouju, C Claramunt, T Devogele, C Ray
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 7th International …, 2007
Optimized discrete fréchet distance between trajectories
T Devogele, L Etienne, M Esnault, F Lardy
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Big …, 2017
A role-based multi-agent model for concurrent navigation systems
S Fournier, T Devogele, C Claramunt
Proceedings of the 6th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science …, 2003
Gestion de masses de données temps réel au sein de bases de données capteurs
S Servigne, T Devogele, A Bouju, F Bertrand, CG Rodriguez, G Noel, ...
Revue internationale de Géomatique 19 (2), 133-150, 2009
Conflicts in spatial database integration
C Parent, S Spaccapietra, T Devogele
Proceedings 9thInternational Conference on Parallel andDistributed Computing …, 1996
A contextual edit distance for semantic trajectories
C Moreau, T Devogele, V Peralta, L Etienne
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 635-637, 2020
A filtering-based approach for improving crowdsourced GNSS traces in a data update context
SS Ivanovic, AM Olteanu-Raimond, S Mustière, T Devogele
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (9), 380, 2019
Towards distributed convoy pattern mining
F Orakzai, T Devogele, T Calders
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
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