Michael W Whalen
Michael W Whalen
Amazon, Inc. and the University of Minnesota
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Cited by
Software model checking takes off
SP Miller, MW Whalen, DD Cofer
Communications of the ACM 53 (2), 58-64, 2010
Coverage metrics for requirements-based testing
MW Whalen, A Rajan, MPE Heimdahl, SP Miller
Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Software testing and …, 2006
Compositional verification of architectural models
D Cofer, A Gacek, S Miller, MW Whalen, B LaValley, L Sha
NASA Formal Methods: 4th International Symposium, NFM 2012, Norfolk, VA, USA …, 2012
A proposal for model-based safety analysis
A Joshi, SP Miller, M Whalen, MPE Heimdahl
24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference 2, 13 pp. Vol. 2, 2005
Programs, tests, and oracles: the foundations of testing revisited
M Staats, MW Whalen, MPE Heimdahl
Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on software engineering …, 2011
The risks of coverage-directed test case generation
G Gay, M Staats, M Whalen, M Heimdahl
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 41 (8), 2015
The effect of program and model structure on MC/DC test adequacy coverage
A Rajan, MW Whalen, MPE Heimdahl
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software engineering …, 2008
On the danger of coverage directed test case generation
M Staats, G Gay, M Whalen, M Heimdahl
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 15th International …, 2012
Your" what" is my" how": Iteration and hierarchy in system design
MW Whalen, A Gacek, D Cofer, A Murugesan, MPE Heimdahl, ...
IEEE software 30 (2), 54-60, 2012
Providing the shalls
SP Miller, AC Tribble, MW Whalen, MPE Heimdahl
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2006
Integration of formal analysis into a model-based software development process
M Whalen, D Cofer, S Miller, BH Krogh, W Storm
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 12th International Workshop …, 2008
Reduction and slicing of hierarchical state machines
MPE Heimdahl, MW Whalen
Proceedings of the 6th European SOFTWARE ENGINEERING conference held jointly …, 1997
Resolute: an assurance case language for architecture models
A Gacek, J Backes, D Cofer, K Slind, M Whalen
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters 34 (3), 19-28, 2014
Compositional verification of a medical device system
A Murugesan, MW Whalen, S Rayadurgam, MPE Heimdahl
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGAda annual conference on High integrity …, 2013
Model-based safety analysis
A Joshi, MPE Heimdahl, SP Miller, MW Whalen
The JKind Model Checker
A Gacek, J Backes, M Whalen, L Wagner, E Ghassabani
Computer Aided Verification: 30th International Conference, CAV 2018, Held …, 2018
Model-based safety analysis final report
A Joshi, M Whalen, M Heimdahl
NASA Techreport, 2005
Observable modified condition/decision coverage
M Whalen, G Gay, D You, MPE Heimdahl, M Staats
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 102-111, 2013
Formal verification of flight critical software
S Miller, E Anderson, L Wagner, M Whalen, M Heimdahl
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 6431, 2005
A formal semantics for RSML-e
MW Whalen
The University of Minnesota, 2000
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Articles 1–20