François Cheviré
François Cheviré
CNRS Research Fellow - Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes (ISCR)
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Cited by
P-type nitrogen-doped ZnO nanoparticles stable under ambient conditions
B Chavillon, L Cario, A Renaud, F Tessier, F Chevire, M Boujtita, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (1), 464-470, 2012
Glass foams for environmental applications
R Lebullenger, S Chenu, J Rocherullé, O Merdrignac-Conanec, F Cheviré, ...
Journal of non-crystalline solids 356 (44-49), 2562-2568, 2010
Titanium and vanadium oxynitride powders as pseudo-capacitive materials for electrochemical capacitors
RL Porto, R Frappier, JB Ducros, C Aucher, H Mosqueda, S Chenu, ...
Electrochimica Acta 82, 257-262, 2012
Optical properties of oxynitride powders
F Tessier, P Maillard, F Cheviré, K Domen, S Kikkawa
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 117 (1361), 1-5, 2009
Optical properties of the perovskite solid solution LaTiO2N-ATiO3 (A= Sr, Ba)
F Cheviré, F Tessier, R Marchand
European Journal of Inorganic Chemsitry 2006 (6), 1223-1230, 2006
Thermal Ammonolysis Study of the Rare-Earth Tantalates RTaO4
P Maillard, F Tessier, E Orhan, F Cheviré, R Marchand
Chemistry of materials 17 (1), 152-156, 2005
Thermochemistry of a new class of materials containing dinitrogen pairs in an oxide matrix
F Tessier, L Le Gendre, F Cheviré, R Marchand, A Navrotsky
Chemistry of materials 17 (13), 3570-3574, 2005
Impact of coinage metal insertion on the thermoelectric properties of GeTe solid-state solutions
B Srinivasan, R Gautier, F Gucci, B Fontaine, JF Halet, F Cheviré, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (1), 227-235, 2018
UV absorption properties of ceria-modified compositions within the fluorite-type solid solution CeO2–Y6WO12
F Cheviré, F Muñoz, CF Baker, F Tessier, O Larcher, S Boujday, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (10), 3184-3190, 2006
Mid-infrared hollow core fiber drawn from a 3D printed chalcogenide glass preform
J Carcreff, F Cheviré, E Galdo, R Lebullenger, A Gautier, JL Adam, ...
Optical Materials Express 11 (1), 198-209, 2021
Eu2+ and Mn2+ codoped Ba2Mg(BO3)2—new red phosphor for white LEDs
S Yuan, Y Yang, X Zhang, F Tessier, F Cheviré, JL Adam, B Moine, ...
Optics letters 33 (23), 2865-2867, 2008
Photophysical Properties of SrTaO2N Thin Films and Influence of Anion Ordering: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Investigation
A Ziani, C Le Paven, L Le Gendre, F Marlec, R Benzerga, F Tessier, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (9), 3989-3998, 2017
Combustion synthesis and up-conversion luminescence of La2O2S:Er3+,Yb3+ nanophosphors
N Hakmeh, C Chlique, O Merdrignac-Conanec, B Fan, F Cheviré, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 226, 255-261, 2015
Lanthanum titanate ceramics: Electrical characterizations in large temperature and frequency ranges
D Fasquelle, JC Carru, L Le Gendre, C Le Paven, J Pinel, F Cheviré, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (12), 2085-2088, 2005
Oxynitride perovskite LaTiOxNy thin films deposited by reactive sputtering
C Le Paven-Thivet, L Le Gendre, J Le Castrec, F Cheviré, F Tessier, ...
Progress in solid state chemistry 35 (2-4), 299-308, 2007
Tb3+ doped Ga5Ge20Sb10Se65-xTex (x = 0-37.5) chalcogenide glasses and fibers for MWIR and LWIR emissions
N Abdellaoui, F Starecki, C Boussard-Plédel, Y Shpotyuk, JL Doualan, ...
Optical Materials Express 8 (9), 2887-2900, 2018
Reactive sputtering deposition of perovskite oxide and oxynitride lanthanum titanium films: structural and dielectric characterization
Y Lu, C Le Paven, HV Nguyen, R Benzerga, L Le Gendre, S Rioual, ...
Crystal growth & design 13 (11), 4852-4858, 2013
Radial gradient refractive index (GRIN) infrared lens based on spatially resolved crystallization of chalcogenide glass
E Lavanant, L Calvez, F Cheviré, M Roze, T Hingant, R Proux, Y Guimond, ...
Optical Materials Express 10 (4), 860-867, 2020
Effect of the Processing Route on the Thermoelectric Performance of Nanostructured CuPb18SbTe20
B Srinivasan, B Fontaine, F Gucci, V Dorcet, TG Saunders, M Yu, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 57 (20), 12976-12986, 2018
Powder preparation and UV absorption properties of selected compositions in the CeO2–Y2O3 system
F Tessier, F Cheviré, F Muñoz, O Merdrignac-Conanec, R Marchand, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181 (5), 1204-1212, 2008
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Articles 1–20