Michael Manga
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A mechanism for sustained groundwater pressure changes induced by distant earthquakes
EE Brodsky, E Roeloffs, D Woodcock, I Gall, M Manga
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B8), 2003
The fluid mechanics inside a volcano
HM Gonnermann, M Manga
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 39 (1), 321-356, 2007
Seismic triggering of eruptions in the far field: Volcanoes and geysers
M Manga, E Brodsky
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci 34 (1), 263-291, 2006
Changes in permeability caused by transient stresses: Field observations, experiments, and mechanisms
M Manga, I Beresnev, EE Brodsky, JE Elkhoury, D Elsworth, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 50 (2), 2012
Explosive volcanism may not be an inevitable consequence of magma fragmentation
HM Gonnermann, M Manga
Nature 426 (6965), 432-435, 2003
Permeability‐porosity relationship in vesicular basalts
MO Saar, M Manga
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (1), 111-114, 1999
Controls on explosive-effusive volcanic eruption styles
M Cassidy, M Manga, K Cashman, O Bachmann
Nature communications 9 (1), 2839, 2018
Streamflow and water well responses to earthquakes
DR Montgomery, M Manga
Science 300 (5628), 2047-2049, 2003
Earthquakes influenced by water
C Wang, M Manga
Water and Earthquakes, 61-82, 2021
Lattice Boltzmann model for melting with natural convection
C Huber, A Parmigiani, B Chopard, M Manga, O Bachmann
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 29 (5), 1469-1480, 2008
Earthquake hydrology
M Manga, CY Wang
eScholarship, University of California 4, 293-320, 2007
Rheology of bubble-bearing magmas
M Manga, J Castro, KV Cashman, M Loewenberg
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 87 (1-4), 15-28, 1998
Bubble suspension rheology and implications for conduit flow
EW Llewellin, M Manga
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 143 (1-3), 205-217, 2005
Seismicity induced by seasonal groundwater recharge at Mt. Hood, Oregon
MO Saar, M Manga
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (3-4), 605-618, 2003
Hydrologic responses to earthquakes and a general metric
CY Wang, M Manga
Geofluids 10 (1‐2), 206-216, 2010
Depth dependence of permeability in the Oregon Cascades inferred from hydrogeologic, thermal, seismic, and magmatic modeling constraints
MO Saar, M Manga
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B4), 2004
Effects of bubble deformation on the viscosity of dilute suspensions
AC Rust, M Manga
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 104 (1), 53-63, 2002
Numerical models of the onset of yield strength in crystal–melt suspensions
MO Saar, M Manga, KV Cashman, S Fremouw
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 187 (3-4), 367-379, 2001
Evidence for an ancient martian ocean in the topography of deformed shorelines
JT Perron, JX Mitrovica, M Manga, I Matsuyama, MA Richards
Nature 447 (7146), 840-843, 2007
Stress partitioning in streams by large woody debris
M Manga, JW Kirchner
Water Resources Research 36 (8), 2373-2379, 2000
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