Laurent Cohen
Laurent Cohen
Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, ICM research center, Paris
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Three parietal circuits for number processing
S Dehaene, M Piazza, P Pinel, L Cohen
The handbook of mathematical cognition, 433-453, 2005
The visual word form area: spatial and temporal characterization of an initial stage of reading in normal subjects and posterior split-brain patients
L Cohen, S Dehaene, L Naccache, S Lehéricy, G Dehaene-Lambertz, ...
Brain 123 (2), 291-307, 2000
The visual word form area: expertise for reading in the fusiform gyrus
BD McCandliss, L Cohen, S Dehaene
Trends in cognitive sciences 7 (7), 293-299, 2003
Towards an anatomical and functional model of number processing
S Dehaene, L Cohen
Mathematical Cognition 1 (1), 83-120, 1995
Cultural recycling of cortical maps
S Dehaene, L Cohen
Neuron 56 (2), 384-398, 2007
The unique role of the visual word form area in reading
S Dehaene, L Cohen
Trends in cognitive sciences 15 (6), 254-262, 2011
Cerebral mechanisms of word masking and unconscious repetition priming
S Dehaene, L Naccache, L Cohen, DL Bihan, JF Mangin, JB Poline, ...
Nature neuroscience 4 (7), 752-758, 2001
Language‐specific tuning of visual cortex? Functional properties of the Visual Word Form Area
L Cohen, S Lehéricy, F Chochon, C Lemer, S Rivaud, S Dehaene
Brain 125 (5), 1054-1069, 2002
How learning to read changes the cortical networks for vision and language
S Dehaene, F Pegado, LW Braga, P Ventura, GN Filho, A Jobert, ...
science 330 (6009), 1359-1364, 2010
The neural code for written words: a proposal
S Dehaene, L Cohen, M Sigman, F Vinckier
Trends in cognitive sciences 9 (7), 335-341, 2005
Cerebral pathways for calculation: Double dissociation between rote verbal and quantitative knowledge of arithmetic
S Dehaene, L Cohen
Cortex 33 (2), 219-250, 1997
Abstract representations of numbers in the animal and human brain
S Dehaene, G Dehaene-Lambertz, L Cohen
Trends in neurosciences 21 (8), 355-361, 1998
The mental representation of hand movements after parietal cortex damage
A Sirigu, JR Duhamel, L Cohen, B Pillon, B Dubois, Y Agid
Science 273 (5281), 1564-1568, 1996
Arithmetic and the brain
S Dehaene, N Molko, L Cohen, AJ Wilson
Current opinion in neurobiology 14 (2), 218-224, 2004
Specialization within the ventral stream: the case for the visual word form area
L Cohen, S Dehaene
Neuroimage 22 (1), 466-476, 2004
Topographical layout of hand, eye, calculation, and language-related areas in the human parietal lobe
O Simon, JF Mangin, L Cohen, D Le Bihan, S Dehaene
Neuron 33 (3), 475, 2002
The cortical representation of speech
BM Mazoyer, N Tzourio, V Frak, A Syrota, N Murayama, O Levrier, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 5 (4), 467-479, 1993
Illiterate to literate: behavioural and cerebral changes induced by reading acquisition
S Dehaene, L Cohen, J Morais, R Kolinsky
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16 (4), 234-244, 2015
van de, Lehéricy, S., & Le Bihan, D.(1997). Anatomical variability in the cortical representation of first and second languages
S Dehaene, E Dupoux, J Mehler, L Cohen, E Paulesu, D Perani, ...
NeuroReport 8, 3809-3815, 0
The visual word form area: a prelexical representation of visual words in the fusiform gyrus
S Dehaene, G Le Clec'H, JB Poline, D Le Bihan, L Cohen
Neuroreport 13 (3), 321-325, 2002
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