Noman Bashir
Noman Bashir
Computing & Climate Impact Fellow at MIT
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Enabling Sustainable Clouds: The Case for Virtualizing the Energy System
N Bashir, T Guo, M Hajiesmaili, D Irwin, P Shenoy, R Sitaraman, A Souza, ...
SoCC'21: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2021
Ecovisor: A Virtual Energy System for Carbon-Efficient Applications
A Souza, N Bashir, J Murillo, W Hanafy, Q Liang, D Irwin, P Shenoy
ASPLOS'23: ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for …, 2023
Take it to the Limit: Peak Prediction-driven Resource Overcommitment in Datacenters
N Bashir, N Deng, K Rzadca, D Irwin, S Kodak, R Jnagal
EuroSys'21: European Conference on Computer Systems, 2021
Lifetime Maximization of Lead-acid Batteries in Small Scale UPS and Distributed Generation Systems
N Bashir, HS Sardar, M Nasir, NU Hassan, HA Khan
PowerTech'17: IEEE PowerTech, 2017
Solar-TK: A Data-driven Toolkit for Solar PV Performance Modeling and Forecasting
N Bashir, D Chen, D Irwin, P Shenoy
MASS'19: IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2019
Communication, Control and Security Challenges for the Smart Grid
SM Muyeen, S Rahman
N. Bashir, N.U. Hassan, C. Yuen, W. Tushar, "Smart grid communications and …, 2017
CarbonScaler: Leveraging Cloud Workload Elasticity for Optimizing Carbon-Efficiency
WA Hanafy, Q Liang, N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy
Waiting Game: Optimally Provisioning Fixed Resources for Cloud-enabled Schedulers
P Ambati, N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy
SC'20: The International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2020
On the Limitations of Carbon-Aware Temporal and Spatial Workload Shifting in the Cloud
T Sukprasert, A Souza, N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy
EuroSys'24: The European Conference on Computer Systems, 2024
The Online Pause and Resume Problem: Optimal Algorithms and An Application to Carbon-Aware Load Shifting
A Lechowicz, N Christianson, J Zuo, N Bashir, M Hajiesmaili, A Wierman, ...
The War of the Efficiencies: Understanding the Tension between Carbon and Energy Optimization
WA Hanafy, R Bostandoost, N Bashir, D Irwin, M Hajiesmaili, P Shenoy
HotCarbon'23: Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems, 2023
Sustainable Computing -- Without the Hot Air
N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy, A Souza
HotCarbon'22: Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems Design and Implementation, 2022
Delivering Smart Load-shedding for Highly-stressed Grids
N Bashir, Z Sharani, K Qayyum, AA Syed
SmartGridComm'15: IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 2015
On the Promise and Pitfalls of Optimizing Embodied Carbon
N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy
HotCarbon'23: Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems, 2023
Enforcing Fair Grid Energy Access for Controllable Distributed Solar Capacity
N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy, J Taneja
BuildSys'17: ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient …, 2017
Impact of Home Appliances on the Performance of Narrow-band Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications
A ur Rehman, N Bashir, NU Hassan, C Yuen
TENCON'16: IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2016
SunDown: Model-driven Per-Panel Solar Anomaly Detection for Residential Arrays
M Feng, N Bashir, P Shenoy, D Irwin, D Kosanovic
COMPASS'20: ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies, 2020
Online Conversion with Switching Costs: Robust and Learning-Augmented Algorithms
A Lechowicz, N Christianson, B Sun, N Bashir, M Hajiesmaili, A Wierman, ...
Equitable Network-Aware Decarbonization of Residential Heating at City Scale
A Lechowicz, N Bashir, J Wamburu, M Hajiesmaili, P Shenoy
e-Energy'23: ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), 2023
Data-driven Decarbonization of Residential Heating Systems
J Wamburu, N Bashir, D Irwin, P Shenoy
BuildSys'22: ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient …, 2022
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