Thomas Bolognesi
Thomas Bolognesi
Associate Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management
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Policy coordination and integration: A research agenda
P Trein, R Biesbroek, T Bolognesi, GM Cejudo, R Duffy, T Hustedt, ...
Public Administration Review 81 (5), 973-977, 2021
Updating the institutional collective action framework
SY Kim, WL Swann, CM Weible, T Bolognesi, RM Krause, AYS Park, ...
Policy Studies Journal 50 (1), 9-34, 2022
Environmental governance dynamics: Some micro foundations of macro failures
T Bolognesi, S Nahrath
Ecological Economics 170, 106555, 2020
Institutional complexity traps in policy integration processes: A long-term perspective on Swiss flood risk management
T Bolognesi, F Metz, S Nahrath
Policy Sciences 54 (4), 911-941, 2021
Explaining and measuring social-ecological pathways: The case of global changes and water security
T Bolognesi, AK Gerlak, G Giuliani
Sustainability 10 (12), 4378, 2018
The paradox of the modernisation of urban water systems in Europe: Intrinsic institutional limits for sustainability
T Bolognesi
Natural Resources Forum 38 (4), 270-281, 2014
The coherence (s) of institutional resource regimes: Typology and assessments from the case of water supply management
T Bolognesi, G Pflieger
Environmental Science & Policy 99, 17-28, 2019
Modernization and Urban Water Governance: Organizational Change and Sustainability in Europe
T Bolognesi
Palgrave MacMillan, 2018
Routledge handbook of urban water governance
T Bolognesi, FS Pinto, M Farrelly
Routledge, 2023
In the shadow of sunshine regulation: Explaining disclosure biases
T Bolognesi, G Pflieger
Regulation & Governance 15 (1), 200-225, 2021
The water vulnerability of metro and megacities: An investigation of structural determinants
T Bolognesi
Natural Resources Forum 39 (2), 123-133, 2015
Analyse structurelle des systèmes hydriques urbains en Europe: aspects organisationnels et défis patrimoniaux
T Bolognesi
Revue d'économie industrielle, 51-86, 2014
Governing urban water services in Europe: Towards sustainable synchronous regimes
Y Renou, T Bolognesi
Journal of Hydrology 573, 994-1006, 2019
Water security as a normative goal or as a structural principle for water governance
T Bolognesi, S Kluser
A critical approach to international water management trends: Policy and …, 2018
The results of modernizing network industries: the case of urban water services in Europe
T Bolognesi
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 15 (4), 306-333, 2014
Caractériser l’étendue des résistances locales aux indicateurs de performance des services d’eau. Le cas de l’agglomération grenobloise
A Brochet, T Bolognesi, Y Renou
Développement durable et territoires 7 (3), 2016
Modernisation et soutenabilité des systèmes hydriques urbains en Europe: une approche néoinstitutionnaliste des régimes de ressources
T Bolognesi
Université de Grenoble, 2013
Why resource regimes fail in the long run
T Bolognesi, S Nahrath, F Metz
The Role of Institutional Complexity Traps and Transversal Transaction Costs …, 2017
Assessing socio-technical resistance to public policy instruments: Insights from water performance indicators in the Grenoble area (France)
T Bolognesi, A Brochet, Y Renou
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2021
Assessing resistance to public policy tools: insights from water performance indicators in the Grenoble area (France)
T Bolognesi, A Brochet, Y Renou
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
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