Jean-Louis Roujean
Jean-Louis Roujean
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
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Estimating PAR absorbed by vegetation from bidirectional reflectance measurements
JL Roujean, FM Breon
Remote sensing of Environment 51 (3), 375-384, 1995
A bidirectional reflectance model of the Earth's surface for the correction of remote sensing data
JL Roujean, M Leroy, PY Deschamps
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 97 (D18), 20455-20468, 1992
LAI, fAPAR and fCover CYCLOPES global products derived from VEGETATION: Part 1: Principles of the algorithm
F Baret, O Hagolle, B Geiger, P Bicheron, B Miras, M Huc, B Berthelot, ...
Remote sensing of environment 110 (3), 275-286, 2007
An interactive vegetation SVAT model tested against data from six contrasting sites
JC Calvet, J Noilhan, JL Roujean, P Bessemoulin, M Cabelguenne, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 92 (2), 73-95, 1998
Multi-angular optical remote sensing for assessing vegetation structure and carbon absorption
JM Chen, J Liu, SG Leblanc, R Lacaze, JL Roujean
Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (4), 516-525, 2003
Retrieval of atmospheric properties and surface bidirectional reflectances over land from POLDER/ADEOS
M Leroy, JL Deuzé, FM Bréon, O Hautecoeur, M Herman, JC Buriez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D14), 17023-17037, 1997
ECOCLIMAP-II/Europe: A twofold database of ecosystems and surface parameters at 1 km resolution based on satellite information for use in land surface, meteorological and …
S Faroux, AT Kaptué Tchuenté, JL Roujean, V Masson, E Martin, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 6 (2), 563-582, 2013
The satellite application facility for land surface analysis
IF Trigo, CC Dacamara, P Viterbo, JL Roujean, F Olesen, C Barroso, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (10), 2725-2744, 2011
Comparison and relative quality assessment of the GLC2000, GLOBCOVER, MODIS and ECOCLIMAP land cover data sets at the African continental scale
ATK Tchuenté, JL Roujean, SM De Jong
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13 (2 …, 2011
Considerations in the parametric modeling of BRDF and albedo from multiangular satellite sensor observations
W Lucht, JL Roujean
Remote Sensing Reviews 18 (2-4), 343-379, 2000
Retrieval of vegetation clumping index using hot spot signatures measured by POLDER instrument
R Lacaze, JM Chen, JL Roujean, SG Leblanc
Remote Sensing of Environment 79 (1), 84-95, 2002
Global mapping of vegetation parameters from POLDER multiangular measurements for studies of surface‐atmosphere interactions: A pragmatic method and its validation
JL Roujean, R Lacaze
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D12), ACL 6-1-ACL 6-14, 2002
Transmission of solar radiation in boreal conifer forests: Measurements and models
W Ni, X Li, CE Woodcock, JL Roujean, RE Davis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D24), 29555-29566, 1997
A review of earth surface thermal radiation directionality observing and modeling: Historical development, current status and perspectives
B Cao, Q Liu, Y Du, JL Roujean, JP Gastellu-Etchegorry, IF Trigo, W Zhan, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 232, 111304, 2019
Land surface albedo derived on a daily basis from Meteosat Second Generation observations
B Geiger, D Carrer, L Franchisteguy, JL Roujean, C Meurey
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (11), 3841-3856, 2008
Ability of the land surface model ISBA‐A‐gs to simulate leaf area index at the global scale: Comparison with satellites products
AL Gibelin, JC Calvet, JL Roujean, L Jarlan, SO Los
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D18), 2006
Sun and view angle corrections on reflectances derived from NOAA/AVHRR data
M Leroy, JL Roujean
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 32 (3), 684-697, 1994
A land cover classification product over France at 1 km resolution using SPOT4/VEGETATION data
KS Han, JL Champeaux, JL Roujean
Remote sensing of Environment 92 (1), 52-66, 2004
Near real‐time provision of downwelling shortwave radiation estimates derived from satellite observations
B Geiger, C Meurey, D Lajas, L Franchistéguy, D Carrer, JL Roujean
Meteorological Applications: A journal of forecasting, practical …, 2008
Analysis of the POLDER (POLarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectances) airborne instrument observations over land surfaces
JL Deuzé, FM Bréon, PY Deschamps, C Devaux, M Herman, A Podaire, ...
Remote sensing of environment 45 (2), 137-154, 1993
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