Security of SCADA systems against cyber–physical attacks L Fillatre, I Nikiforov, P Willett
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 32 (5), 28-45, 2017
102 2017 Adaptive Steganalysis of Least Significant Bit Replacement in Grayscale Natural Images L Fillatre
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 60 (2), 556-569, 2012
99 2012 Sequential detection of transient changes BK Guépié, L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
Sequential Analysis 31 (4), 528-547, 2012
78 2012 Stratification and prediction of remission in first-episode psychosis patients: the OPTiMiSE cohort study E Martinuzzi, S Barbosa, D Daoudlarian, W Bel Haj Ali, C Gilet, L Fillatre, ...
Translational psychiatry 9 (1), 20, 2019
69 2019 A cover image model for reliable steganalysis R Cogranne, C Zitzmann, L Fillatre, F Retraint, I Nikiforov, P Cornu
Information Hiding, 178-192, 2011
68 2011 Anomaly detection/detectability for a linear model with a bounded nuisance parameter F Harrou, L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
Annual Reviews in Control 38 (1), 32-44, 2014
55 2014 A statistical method for detecting cyber/physical attacks on SCADA systems L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 364-369, 2014
48 2014 Statistical decision methods in hidden information detection C Zitzmann, R Cogranne, F Retraint, I Nikiforov, L Fillatre, P Cornu
Information Hiding, 163-177, 2011
47 2011 Non-bayesian detection and detectability of anomalies from a few noisy tomographic projections L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
IEEE transactions on signal processing 55 (2), 401-413, 2007
46 2007 Optimal volume anomaly detection and isolation in large-scale IP networks using coarse-grained measurements P Casas, S Vaton, L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
Computer Networks 54 (11), 1750-1766, 2010
42 2010 Efficient methods for traffic matrix modeling and on-line estimation in large-scale IP networks P Casas, S Vaton, L Fillatre, L Chonavel
2009 21st International Teletraffic Congress, 1-8, 2009
34 2009 Sequential monitoring of SCADA systems against cyber/physical attacks DO Van Long, L FILLATRE, I NIKIFOROV
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (21), 746-753, 2015
32 2015 RAIM performance in presence of multiple range failures C Macabiau, B Gerfault, I Nikiforov, L Fillatre, B Roturier, E Chatre, ...
Proceedings of the 2005 National Technical Meeting of The Institute of …, 2005
32 2005 A local adaptive model of natural images for almost optimal detection of hidden data R Cogranne, C Zitzmann, F Retraint, IV Nikiforov, P Cornu, L Fillatre
Signal Processing 100, 169-185, 2014
30 2014 Detecting a suddenly arriving dynamic profile of finite duration BK Guépié, L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (5), 3039-3052, 2017
29 2017 A filtered bucket-clustering method for projection onto the simplex and the ball G Perez, M Barlaud, L Fillatre, JC Régin
Mathematical Programming 182 (1), 445-464, 2020
26 2020 Hidden information detection based on quantized Laplacian distribution C Zitzmann, R Cogranne, L Fillatre, I Nikiforov, F Retraint, P Cornu
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International …, 2012
26 2012 Forecasting seasonal traffic flows L Fillatre, D Marakov, S Vaton
Computer Science Department, ENST Bretagne, Brest, Paris, 2003
26 2003 Asymptotically uniformly minimax detection and isolation in network monitoring L Fillatre, I Nikiforov
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (7), 3357-3371, 2012
25 2012 Classification and regression using an outer approximation projection-gradient method M Barlaud, W Belhajali, PL Combettes, L Fillatre
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (17), 4635-4644, 2017
24 2017