Paul D. Brooks
Paul D. Brooks
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Inorganic nitrogen and microbial biomass dynamics before and during spring snowmelt
PD Brooks, MW Williams, SK Schmidt
Biogeochemistry 43 (1), 1-15, 1998
Microbial activity under alpine snowpacks, Niwot Ridge, Colorado
PD Brooks, MW Williams, SK Schmidt
Biogeochemistry 32, 93-113, 1996
Winter production of CO2 and N2O from alpine tundra: environmental controls and relationship to inter-system C and N fluxes
PD Brooks, SK Schmidt, MW Williams
Oecologia 110, 403-413, 1997
Hillslope hydrology in global change research and earth system modeling
Y Fan, M Clark, DM Lawrence, S Swenson, LE Band, SL Brantley, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (2), 1737-1772, 2019
Snowpack controls on nitrogen cycling and export in seasonally snow‐covered catchments
PD Brooks, MW Williams
Hydrological processes 13 (14‐15), 2177-2190, 1999
Long‐term experimental manipulation of winter snow regime and summer temperature in arctic and alpine tundra
MD Walker, DA Walker, JM Welker, AM Arft, T Bardsley, PD Brooks, ...
Hydrological processes 13 (14‐15), 2315-2330, 1999
Cascading impacts of bark beetle‐caused tree mortality on coupled biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes
SL Edburg, JA Hicke, PD Brooks, EG Pendall, BE Ewers, U Norton, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (8), 416-424, 2012
Carbon limitation of soil respiration under winter snowpacks: potential feedbacks between growing season and winter carbon fluxes
PD Brooks, D McKnight, K Elder
Global Change Biology 11 (2), 231-238, 2005
Hydrological Partitioning in the Critical Zone: Recent Advances and Opportunities for Developing Transferrable Understanding of Water Cycle Dynamics
PD Brooks, J Chorover, YF Reinfelder, SE Godsey, RM Maxwell, ...
Water Resources Research 10.1002/2015WR017039, 2015
Carbon and nitrogen cycling in snow‐covered environments
PD Brooks, P Grogan, PH Templer, P Groffman, MG Öquist, J Schimel
Geography Compass 5 (9), 682-699, 2011
Climate and vegetation water use efficiency at catchment scales
PA Troch, GF Martinez, VRN Pauwels, M Durcik, M Sivapalan, C Harman, ...
Hydrological Processes 23 (16), 2409, 2009
Winter and early spring CO2 efflux from tundra communities of northern Alaska
JT Fahnestock, MH Jones, PD Brooks, DA Walker, JM Welker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D22), 29023-29027, 1998
Effects of vegetation on snow accumulation and ablation in a mid‐latitude sub‐alpine forest
KN Musselman, NP Molotch, PD Brooks
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (15), 2767-2776, 2008
Changes in Snowpack Accumulation and Ablation in the Intermountain West
AA Harpold, PD Brooks, S Rajagopal, I Heidbuchel, C Stielstra
Water Resources Research 48, doi:10.1029/2012WR011949, 2012
The relationship between soil heterotrophic activity, soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leachate, and catchment‐scale DOC export in headwater catchments
PD Brooks, DM McKnight, KE Bencala
Water Resources Research 35 (6), 1895-1902, 1999
Ecohydrological controls on snowmelt partitioning in mixed‐conifer sub‐alpine forests
NP Molotch, PD Brooks, SP Burns, M Litvak, RK Monson, JR McConnell, ...
Ecohydrology: Ecosystems, Land and Water Process Interactions …, 2009
Interactions between biogeochemistry and hydrologic systems
KA Lohse, PD Brooks, JC McIntosh, T Meixner, TE Huxman
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 34 (1), 65-96, 2009
Spatial scale dependence of ecohydrologically mediated water balance partitioning: A synthesis framework for catchment ecohydrology
SE Thompson, CJ Harman, PA Troch, PD Brooks, M Sivapalan
Water Resources Research 47 (10), 2011
Quantifying the effects of vegetation structure on snow accumulation and ablation in mixed‐conifer forests
PD Broxton, AA Harpold, JA Biederman, PA Troch, NP Molotch, ...
Ecohydrology 8 (6), 1073-1094, 2015
Quantifying the effects of forest canopy cover on net snow accumulation at a continental, mid‐latitude site
W Veatch, PD Brooks, JR Gustafson, NP Molotch
Ecohydrology: Ecosystems, Land and Water Process Interactions …, 2009
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