Nicolas Herbaut
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A model for collaborative blockchain-based video delivery relying on advanced network services chains
N Herbaut, D Negru
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (9), 70-76, 2017
A blockchain-based network slice broker for 5G services
B Nour, A Ksentini, N Herbaut, PA Frangoudis, H Moungla
IEEE Networking Letters 1 (3), 99-102, 2019
Blockchain software patterns for the design of decentralized applications: A systematic literature review
N Six, N Herbaut, C Salinesi
Blockchain: Research and Applications 3 (2), 100061, 2022
Content delivery networks as a virtual network function: A win-win ISP-CDN collaboration
N Herbaut, D Négru, Y Chen, PA Frangoudis, A Ksentini
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2016
Migrating to a nfv-based home gateway: introducing a surrogate vnf approach
N Herbaut, D Negru, G Xilouris, Y Chen
Network of the Future (NOF), 2015 6th International Conference on the, 1-7, 2015
Service chain modeling and embedding for NFV-based content delivery
N Herbaut, D Negru, D Dietrich, P Papadimitriou
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2017
Deploying a content delivery service function chain on an SDN-NFV operator infrastructure
N Herbaut, D Negru, D Magoni, PA Frangoudis
2016 International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), 1-7, 2016
Which Blockchain to choose? A decision support tool to guide the choice of a Blockchain technology
N Six, N Herbaut, C Salinesi
INFORSID, pp.135-150., 2020
Dynamic Deployment and Optimization of Virtual Content Delivery Networks
N Herbaut, D Negru, D Dietrich, P Papadimitriou
IEEE MultiMedia 24 (3), 28 - 37, 2017
A blockchain-based pattern for confidential and pseudo-anonymous contract enforcement
N Six, CN Ribalta, N Herbaut, C Salinesi
2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2020
Socio-Technical Modelling for GDPR Principles: an Extension for the STS-ml
C Negri-Ribalta, R Noel, N Herbaut, O Pastor, C Salinesi
2022 IEEE 30th international requirements engineering conference workshops …, 2022
Saiaas: A blockchain-based solution for secure artificial intelligence as-a-service
N Six, A Perrichon-Chrétien, N Herbaut
The international conference on deep learning, big data and blockchain (deep …, 2022
SDN Intent-based conformance checking: application to security policies
N Herbaut, C Correa, J Robin, R Mazo
2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft …, 2021
BLADE: Un outil d’aide à la décision automatique pour guider le choix de technologie Blockchain
N Six, N Herbaut, C Salinesi
Revue ouverte d’ingénierie des systemes d’information 2 (1), 2021
Addressing Trust Issues in Supply-Chain Management Systems Through Blockchain Software Patterns
EK Kambilo, I Rychkova, N Herbaut, C Souveyet
RCIS, 275-290, 2023
Which Blockchain to choose
N Six, N Herbaut, C Salinesi
A decision support tool to guide the choice of a Blockchain technology, 2020
Using software product lines to create blockchain products: application to supply chain traceability
N Six, N Herbaut, RE Lopez-Herrejon, C Salinesi
SPLC; Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product …, 2022
Virtual Network Functions Deployment between Business Expectations and Technical Challenges: The T-NOVA Approach
Y Rebahi, M S. Ghamsi, N Herbaut, D Negru, P M. Comi, P S. Crosta, ...
Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology (Formerly Recent …, 2016
A Conceptual Model for Blockchain-Based Trust in Digital Ecosystems
Y Ding, N Herbaut, D Negru
CAiSE workshops / BC4IS 521, 18-24, 2024
Harmonica: A Framework for Semi‐automated Design and Implementation of Blockchain Applications
N Six, N Herbaut, C Salinesi
INSIGHT 24 (4), 25-27, 2021
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