Faris Gel'mukhanov
Faris Gel'mukhanov
Siberian Federal University, Russia; Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
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Resonant X-ray Raman scattering
F Gel'mukhanov, H Ågren
Physics Reports 312 (3-6), 87-330, 1999
Light-induced diffusion of gases
FK Gelmukhanov, AM Shalagin
JETP Lett. 29, 711-713, 1979
A theory of vibrational structure in the X-ray spectra of molecules
FK Gel'Mukhanov, LN Mazalov, AV Kondratenko
Chemical Physics Letters 46 (1), 133-137, 1977
Femtosecond dissociation of core-excited HCl monitored by frequency detuning
O Björneholm, S Sundin, S Svensson, RRT Marinho, AN de Brito, ...
Physical review letters 79 (17), 3150, 1997
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering with symmetry-selective excitation
F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 49 (6), 4378, 1994
Resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy of molecular oxygen
P Glans, K Gunnelin, P Skytt, JH Guo, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren, H Ågren, ...
Physical review letters 76 (14), 2448, 1996
Doppler splitting of in-flight Auger decay of dissociating oxygen molecules: the localization of delocalized core holes
O Björneholm, M Bässler, A Ausmees, I Hjelte, R Feifel, H Wang, C Miron, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (13), 2826, 2000
X-ray resonant scattering involving dissociative states
F Gelmukhanov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 54 (1), 379, 1996
Young's double-slit experiment using core-level photoemission from N2: revisiting Cohen–Fano's two-centre interference phenomenon
XJ Liu, NA Cherepkov, SK Semenov, V Kimberg, F Gel'mukhanov, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (23), 4801, 2006
Dynamics of two-photon absorption by molecules and solutions
F Gel’mukhanov, A Baev, P Macák, Y Luo, H Ågren
JOSA B 19 (5), 937-945, 2002
Duration of x-ray Raman scattering
F Gel’mukhanov, P Sałek, T Privalov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 59 (1), 380, 1999
X-ray Spectra of Molecules
LN Mazalov, VD Yumatov, VV Murakhtanov, FK Gel'mukhanov, ...
Science: Novosibirsk 331, 1977
Symmetry-selective resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of C 60
Y Luo, H Ågren, F Gel’mukhanov, J Guo, P Skytt, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren
Physical Review B 52 (20), 14479, 1995
Einstein–Bohr recoiling double-slit gedanken experiment performed at the molecular level
XJ Liu, Q Miao, F Gel'Mukhanov, M Patanen, O Travnikova, C Nicolas, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (2), 120-125, 2015
Wave-packet dynamics of resonant x-ray Raman scattering: Excitation near the Cl L I I, I I I edge of HCl
P Sałek, F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren
Physical Review A 59 (2), 1147, 1999
Resonant x-ray scattering beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation: Symmetry breaking in the oxygen resonant x-ray emission spectrum of carbon dioxide
A Cesar, F Gel’mukhanov, Y Luo, H Ågren, P Skytt, P Glans, J Guo, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (9), 3439-3456, 1997
Observation of an anomalous decay ratio between the molecular field split levels in the S 2p core photoelectron and LVV Auger spectrum of S
S Svensson, A Ausmees, SJ Osborne, G Bray, F Gel’mukhanov, H Ågren, ...
Physical review letters 72 (19), 3021, 1994
Dynamics of resonant x-ray and Auger scattering
F Gel’mukhanov, M Odelius, SP Polyutov, A Foehlisch, V Kimberg
Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (3), 035001, 2021
Imaging molecular potentials using ultrahigh-resolution resonant photoemission
C Miron, C Nicolas, O Travnikova, P Morin, Y Sun, F Gel’Mukhanov, ...
Nature Physics 8 (2), 135-138, 2012
Spatial Quantum Beats in Vibrational Resonant Inelastic Soft X-Ray<? format?> Scattering at Dissociating States in Oxygen
A Pietzsch, YP Sun, F Hennies, Z Rinkevicius, HO Karlsson, T Schmitt, ...
Physical review letters 106 (15), 153004, 2011
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Articles 1–20