Roberto Flören
Roberto Flören
Autres nomsRoberto Floren
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Owner commitment and relational governance in the privately-held firm: An empirical study
LM Uhlaner, RH Floren, JR Geerlings
Small Business Economics 29, 275-293, 2007
The significance of family business in the Netherlands
RH Flören
Family Business Review 11 (2), 121-134, 1998
Linking bonding and bridging ownership social capital in private firms: Moderating effects of ownership–management overlap and family firm identity
LM Uhlaner, IA Matser, MM Berent-Braun, RH Flören
Family Business Review 28 (3), 260-277, 2015
Crown princes in the clay: an empirical study on the tackling of succession challenges in Dutch family farms.
RH Flören
The relationship between successor and planning characteristics and the success of business transfer in Dutch SMEs
J Meijaard, L Uhlaner, R Flören, B Diephuis, B Sanders
SCALES paper N 200505, 2005, 2005
Successors in Dutch family businesses: gender differences
C Remery, I Matser, R Hans Flören
Journal of Family Business Management 4 (1), 79-91, 2014
Crown princes in the clay
RH Flören
An empirical study on the tackling of succession challenges in Dutch family …, 2002
Managing tensions as paradox in CEO succession: The case of nonfamily CEO in a family firm
J van Helvert-Beugels, M Nordqvist, R Flören
International Small Business Journal 38 (3), 211-242, 2020
Cijfers en feiten van het familiebedrijf: 10 jaar onderzoek onder familiebedrijven
RH Flören
BDO CampsObers Accountants & Adviseurs, 2005
Family business in the Netherlands characteristics and success factors
RH Flören, LM Uhlaner, M Berent-Braun
A Report for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2010
Handboek van het familiebedrijf
RH Flören, P Leach, EJ Wijers
Walgemoed Accountants & Adviseurs, 1993
The entrepreneur & the Entrepreneurship cycle
R Flören
Uitgeverij Van Gorcum, 2008
Being able and willing to innovate: A study of family firm identity and new product output among Dutch private businesses.
MM Berent-Braun, RH Flören, MMCM den Ouden
International Review of Entrepreneurship 16 (2), 2018
De emotionele waarde van het familiebedrijf
RH Flören
Kluwer, 2006
Financiering van de bedrijfsoverdracht binnen familiebedrijven
RP Van der Eijk
Kluwer, 2006
Ownership commitment, family ownership and performance in the privately held firm
LM Uhlaner, R Flören, JR Geerlings
Paper gepresenteerd op Max Plancke Instituut: Jena, Duitsland 3 (7), 7, 2005
Family business in the Netherlands
R Flören, L Uhlaner, M Berent-Braun
Characteristics and Success Factors, Centre for Entrepreneurship, Nijenrode …, 2010
Feiten en cijfers van het familiebedrijf
RH Flören
BDO, Utrecht, 2002
Goed-versus-goed dilemma's en de opvolgingsparadox in familiebedrijven'
RH Flören, ED Karssing
Management & organisatie, 45-62, 2000
Family Business in the Netherlands, Characteristics and Success Factors: A Report for the Ministry of Economic Affairs
R Floren, L Uhlaner, M Berent-Braun
Center for Entrepreneurship, Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Breukelen, the …, 2010
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