Damien Poitou
Damien Poitou
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Analysis of high performance conjugate heat transfer with the openpalm coupler
F Duchaine, S Jauré, D Poitou, E Quémerais, G Staffelbach, T Morel, ...
Computational Science & Discovery 8 (1), 015003, 2015
Analysis of the interaction between turbulent combustion and thermal radiation using unsteady coupled LES/DOM simulations
D Poitou, J Amaya, M El Hafi, B Cuénot
Combustion and Flame 159 (4), 1605-1618, 2012
Analysis of radiation modeling for turbulent combustion: development of a methodology to couple turbulent combustion and radiative heat transfer in LES
D Poitou, M El Hafi, B Cuenot
Unsteady coupling of Navier–Stokes and radiative heat transfer solvers applied to an anisothermal multicomponent turbulent channel flow
J Amaya, O Cabrit, D Poitou, B Cuenot, M El Hafi
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111 (2), 295-301, 2010
Null-collision meshless Monte-Carlo—Application to the validation of fast radiative transfer solvers embedded in combustion simulators
V Eymet, D Poitou, M Galtier, M El Hafi, G Terrée, R Fournier
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 129, 145-157, 2013
Diagnosis of Turbulence Radiation Interaction in turbulent flames and implications for modeling in Large Eddy Simulation
D Poitou, M El-Hafi, B Cuenot
Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences 31 (6), p. 371-381, 2007
A methodology for soot prediction including thermal radiation in complex industrial burners
G Lecocq, D Poitou, I Hernández, F Duchaine, E Riber, B Cuenot
Flow, turbulence and combustion 92, 947-970, 2014
Modélisation du rayonnement dans la simulation aux grandes échelles de la combustion turbulente
D Poitou
A tabulated, flamelet based no model for large eddy simulations of non premixed turbulent jets with enthalpy loss
C Locci, O Colin, D Poitou, F Mauss
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 94, 691-729, 2015
Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation
I Hernández, G Lecocq, D Poitou, E Riber, B Cuenot
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 341 (1-2), 238-246, 2013
Validity limits for the global model FS-SNBcK for combustion applications
D Poitou, J Amaya, C Bushan Singh, D Joseph, M El Hafi, B Cuenot
Proceedings of Eurotherm83–Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating …, 2009
High performance conjugate heat transfer with the openpalm coupler
F Duchaine, S Jauré, D Poitou, E Quémerais, G Staffelbach, T Morel, ...
COUPLED V: proceedings of the V International Conference on Computational …, 2013
Parallel computation for radiative heat transfer using the dom in combustion applications: direction, frequency, subdomain decompositions, and hybrid methods
D Poitou, J Amaya, F Duchaine
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 62 (1), 28-49, 2012
Comparison of databases for radiative heat transfer calculations in combustion applications with the NBKMcK model
D Poitou, F Andre
International journal of thermal sciences 64, 11-21, 2013
LES model for sooting turbulent nonpremixed flames
G Lecocq, D Poitou, I Hernandez, F Duchaine, E Riber, B Cuenot
Flow, Turb. and Combustion 92 (947-970), 47, 2014
Soot prediction by Large-Eddy Simulation of complex geometry combustion chambers
G Lecocq, I Hernández, D Poitou, E Riber, B Cuenot
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 341 (1-2), 230-237, 2013
Analysis of high performance conjugate heat transfer with the OpenPALM coupler. Computational Science & Discovery 8, 1 (July 2015), 015003
F Duchaine, S Jauré, D Poitou, E Quémerais, G Staffelbach, T Morel, ...
Soot prediction by LES of complex geometry combustion chambers
CB Lecocq G., Hernàndez I., Poitou D., Riber E.
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2012
Coupling radiation modelling with turbulent combustion in large eddy simulation
D Poitou, J Amaya, M El Hafi, B Cuenot
RADIATIVE TRANSFER-VI. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on …, 2010
coupled LES/DOM simulations.
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