Abhay Shukla
Abhay Shukla
Professor of Physics, IMPMC, Sorbonne Université
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Covalency of the hydrogen bond in ice: a direct X-ray measurement
ED Isaacs, A Shukla, PM Platzman, DR Hamann, B Barbiellini, CA Tulk
Physical Review Letters 82 (3), 600, 1999
Analysis of positron lifetime spectra using quantified maximum entropy and a general linear filter
A Shukla, M Peter, L Hoffmann
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1993
Probing the 3d spin momentum with X-ray emission spectroscopy: The case of molecular-spin transitions
G Vankó, T Neisius, G Molnar, F Renz, S Karpati, A Shukla, FMF De Groot
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (24), 11647-11653, 2006
Inelastic x-ray scattering by electronic excitations under high pressure
JP Rueff, A Shukla
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (1), 847-896, 2010
Temperature- and pressure-induced spin-state transitions in
G Vankó, JP Rueff, A Mattila, Z Németh, A Shukla
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (2), 024424, 2006
Phonon Dispersion and Lifetimes in
A Shukla, M Calandra, M d’Astuto, M Lazzeri, F Mauri, C Bellin, M Krisch, ...
Physical review letters 90 (9), 095506, 2003
A high performance graphene/few-layer InSe photo-detector
Z Chen, J Biscaras, A Shukla
Nanoscale 7 (14), 5981-5986, 2015
The GALAXIES beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron: inelastic X-ray scattering and photoelectron spectroscopy in the hard X-ray range
JP Rueff, JM Ablett, D Céolin, D Prieur, T Moreno, V Balédent, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 22 (1), 175-179, 2015
New spectroscopy solves an old puzzle: The Kondo scale in heavy fermions
C Dallera, M Grioni, A Shukla, G Vankó, JL Sarrao, JP Rueff, DL Cox
Physical review letters 88 (19), 196403, 2002
Graphene made easy: High quality, large-area samples
A Shukla, R Kumar, J Mazher, A Balan
Solid State Communications 149 (17-18), 718-721, 2009
Anomalous Dispersion of Longitudinal Optical Phonons in Determined by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
M d'Astuto, PK Mang, P Giura, A Shukla, P Ghigna, A Mirone, M Braden, ...
Physical review letters 88 (16), 167002, 2002
Epitaxial graphene on cubic SiC (111)/Si (111) substrate
A Ouerghi, A Kahouli, D Lucot, L Travers, J Gierak, J Penuelas, P Jegou, ...
Applied physics letters 96 (19), 2010
Epitaxial graphene on 4H-SiC (0001) grown under nitrogen flux: Evidence of low nitrogen doping and high charge transfer
E Velez-Fort, C Mathieu, E Pallecchi, M Pigneur, MG Silly, R Belkhou, ...
ACS nano 6 (12), 10893-10900, 2012
Compton scattering evidence for covalency of the hydrogen bond in ice
ED Isaacs, A Shukla, PM Platzman, DR Hamann, B Barbiellini, CA Tulk
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 61 (3), 403-406, 2000
Anharmonic phonons in few-layer MoS: Raman spectroscopy of ultralow energy compression and shear modes
M Boukhicha, M Calandra, MA Measson, O Lancry, A Shukla
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (19), 195316, 2013
Magnetism of Invar alloys under pressure examined by inelastic X-ray scattering
JP Rueff, A Shukla, A Kaprolat, M Krisch, M Lorenzen, F Sette, R Verbeni
Physical Review B 63 (13), 132409, 2001
Intrinsic charge transfer gap in NiO from -edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy
C Gougoussis, M Calandra, A Seitsonen, C Brouder, A Shukla, F Mauri
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (4), 045118, 2009
High energy resolution five-crystal spectrometer for high quality fluorescence and absorption measurements on an x-ray absorption spectroscopy beamline
I Llorens, E Lahera, W Delnet, O Proux, A Braillard, JL Hazemann, A Prat, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (6), 2012
Momentum dependence of fluorine K-edge core exciton in LiF
K Hämäläinen, S Galambosi, JA Soininen, EL Shirley, JP Rueff, A Shukla
Physical Review B 65 (15), 155111, 2002
Melt 4.0 a program for positron lifetime analysis
A Shukla, L Hoffmann, AA Manuel, M Peter
Materials Science Forum 255, 233-237, 1997
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Articles 1–20