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Modal active vibration control of a rotor using piezoelectric stack actuators
RC Simoes, V Steffen Jr, J Der Hagopian, J Mahfoud
Journal of Vibration and Control 13 (1), 45-64, 2007
From transmission error measurements to angular sampling in rotating machines with discrete geometry
D Remond, J Mahfoudh
Shock and vibration 12 (2), 149-161, 2005
On the balancing of flexible rotating machines by using an inverse problem approach
M Villafane Saldarriaga, V Steffen Jr, J Der Hagopian, J Mahfoud
Journal of vibration and control 17 (7), 1021-1033, 2011
Effect of electromagnetic actuations on the dynamics of a harmonically excited cantilever beam
M Belhaq, A Bichri, J Der Hogapian, J Mahfoud
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 46 (6), 828-833, 2011
Vibration reduction of a single cylinder reciprocating compressor based on multi-stage balancing
N Levecque, J Mahfoud, D Violette, G Ferraris, R Dufour
Mechanism and Machine Theory 46 (1), 1-9, 2011
Adjusting a torsional vibration damper model with physics-informed neural networks
YA Yucesan, FAC Viana, L Manin, J Mahfoud
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 154, 107552, 2021
Electromagnetic actuator design for the control of light structures
J Der Hagopian, J Mahfoud
Smart Structures and Systems 6 (1), 29-38, 2010
Fuzzy active control of flexible structures by using electromagnetic actuators
J Mahfoud, JD Hagopian
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 24 (3), 329-337, 2011
Assessment of semi-active friction dampers
MB dos Santos, HT Coelho, FPL Neto, J Mahfoud
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 94, 33-56, 2017
Experimental assessment of a new fuzzy controller applied to a flexible rotor supported by active magnetic bearings
B Defoy, T Alban, J Mahfoud
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 136 (5), 051006, 2014
Optimization of unbalance distribution in rotating machinery with localized non linearity
TS Morais, J Der Hagopian, V Steffen Jr, J Mahfoud
Mechanism and Machine Theory 72, 60-70, 2014
Control of the breathing mechanism of a cracked rotor by using electro-magnetic actuator: numerical study
TS Morais, V Steffen Jr, J Mahfoud
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 9, 581-596, 2012
High natural frequency gap topology optimization of bi-material elastic structures and band gap analysis
HN Lopes, J Mahfoud, R Pavanello
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63, 2325-2340, 2021
Investigations on the dynamic behaviour of an on-board rotor-AMB system with touchdown bearing contacts: modelling and experimentation
C Jarroux, J Mahfoud, R Dufour, F Legrand, B Defoy, T Alban
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 159, 107787, 2021
Magnetic actuator control of oil whip instability in bearings
AS Dimitri, A El-Shafei, AA Adly, J Mahfoud
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (11), 1-4, 2015
Touchdown bearing models for rotor-AMB systems
C Jarroux, R Dufour, J Mahfoud, B Defoy, T Alban, A Delgado
Journal of Sound and Vibration 440, 51-69, 2019
Experimental model to control and monitor rotating machines
J Mahfoud, JD Hagopian, N Lévecque, V Steffen Jr
Mechanism and Machine Theory 44 (4), 761-771, 2009
Stability of rotating machinery supported on active magnetic bearings subjected to base excitation
C Jarroux, J Mahfoud, B Defoy, T Alban
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 142 (3), 031004, 2020
Numerical and experimental investigation on topology optimization of an elongated dynamic system
HN Lopes, DC Cunha, R Pavanello, J Mahfoud
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 165, 108356, 2022
Assessment of the effectiveness of a polar fuzzy approach for the control of centrifugal compressors
B Defoy, T Alban, J Mahfoud
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 136 (4), 041004, 2014
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Articles 1–20