Peter van Baalen
Peter van Baalen
Hoogleraar Information Management and Digital Organisation, Amsterdam Business School, University of
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Knowledge Sharing in an Emerging Network of Practice:: The Role of a Knowledge Portal
P Van Baalen, J Bloemhof-Ruwaard, E Van Heck
European Management Journal 23 (3), 300-314, 2005
Relational models for knowledge sharing behavior
NI Boer, H Berends, P Van Baalen
European management journal 29 (2), 85-97, 2011
An activity theory approach for studying the situatedness of knowledge sharing
NI Boer, PJ van Baalen, K Kumar
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2002
Fostering flexibility in the new world of work: a model of time-spatial job crafting
C Wessels, MC Schippers, S Stegmann, AB Bakker, PJ Van Baalen, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 505, 2019
Vicious advice: Analyzing the impact of TripAdvisor on the quality of restaurants as part of the cultural heritage of Venice
A Ganzaroli, I De Noni, P van Baalen
Tourism Management 61, 501-510, 2017
Port inter-organizational information systems: Capabilities to service global supply chains
P Van Baalen, R Zuidwijk, J Van Nunen
Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management …, 2009
No teleworker is an island: The impact of temporal and spatial separation along with media use on knowledge sharing networks
N van der Meulen, P van Baalen, E van Heck, S Mülder
Journal of information technology 34 (3), 243-262, 2019
Port community system implementation: Lessons learned from international scan
FJ Srour, M van Oosterhout, P van Baalen, R Zuidwijk
Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2008
The evolution of management as an interdisciplinary field
P van Baalen, L Karsten
Journal of Management History 18 (2), 219-237, 2012
The implications of different models of social relations for understanding knowledge sharing
NI Boer, PJ van Baalen, K Kumar
Organizations as knowledge systems: Knowledge, learning and dynamic …, 2004
Implementing packaged enterprise software in multi-site firms: intensification of organizing and learning
PC Van Fenema, OR Koppius, PJ Van Baalen
European Journal of Information Systems 16 (5), 584-598, 2007
Management education in the network economy: Its context, content, and organization
PJ van Baalen, LT Moratis
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Achieving high performance in a mobile and green workplace: lessons from Microsoft Netherlands.
E Van Heck, P van Baalen, N van der Meulen, M van Oosterhout
MIS Quarterly Executive 11 (4), 2012
Extending the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) Framework to the Digital World.
PJ Van Baalen, PC van Fenema, C Loebbecke
ICIS, 2016
Overview: Changing economic environment and workplace requirements: Implications for re-engineering TVET for prosperity
F Boutin, C Chinien, L Moratis, P van Baalen
International handbook of education for the changing world of work: Bridging …, 2009
Contested practice: multiple inclusion in double‐knit organizations
I Bogenrieder, P van Baalen
Journal of Organizational Change Management 20 (4), 579-595, 2007
Crafting business models for conflicting goals: Lessons from creative service firms
I Rozentale, PJ van Baalen
Long range planning 54 (4), 102092, 2021
Dynamics in Setting Up an EDI Community: Experiences from the Port of Rotterdam
PJ Van Baalen
Eburon, 2000
Instantiating global crisis networks: The case of SARS
PJ van Baalen, PC van Fenema
Decision Support Systems 47 (4), 277-286, 2009
Indigenization of management education in China
L Li, P van Baalen
Higher Education Policy 20, 169-193, 2007
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Articles 1–20