The provenance of electronic data L Moreau, P Groth, S Miles, J Vazquez-Salceda, J Ibbotson, S Jiang, ...
Communications of the ACM 51 (4), 52-58, 2008
318 2008 Using archon to develop real-world dai applications. 1 NR Jennings, EH Mamdani, JM Corera, I Laresgoiti, F Perriolat, P Skarek, ...
IEEE expert 11 (6), 64-70, 1996
234 1996 A conspectus of Russian speech sounds K Bolla
Akadémiai Kiadó, 1981
153 1981 Integrating intelligent systems into a cooperating community for electricity distribution management LZ Varga, NR Jennings, D Cockburn
Expert Systems with Applications 7 (4), 563-579, 1994
114 1994 Provenance in agent-mediated healthcare systems T Kifor, LZ Varga, J Vázquez-Salceda, S Alvarez, S Willmott, S Miles, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 21 (6), 38-46, 2006
92 2006 Agent-based execution of personalised home care treatments D Isern, A Moreno, D Sánchez, Á Hajnal, G Pedone, LZ Varga
Applied Intelligence 34, 155-180, 2011
87 2011 K4care: Knowledge-based homecare e-services for an ageing europe F Campana, A Moreno, D Riano, LZ Varga
Agent technology and e-health, 95-115, 2008
53 2008 Hungarian sentence prosody: an outline L Varga
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 17 (1-4), 117-152, 1983
53 1983 Approaching the Gamow Window with Stored Ions: Direct Measurement of in the ESR Storage Ring J Glorius, C Langer, Z Slavkovská, L Bott, C Brandau, B Brückner, ...
Physical review letters 122 (9), 092701, 2019
52 2019 Engineering multi-agent systems: State of affairs and the road ahead V Mascardi, D Weyns, A Ricci, CB Earle, A Casals, M Challenger, ...
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 44 (1), 18-28, 2019
51 2019 Applying provenance in distributed organ transplant management S Alvarez, J Vazquez-Salceda, T Kifor, LZ Varga, S Willmott
Provenance and Annotation of Data: International Provenance and Annotation …, 2006
42 2006 Engineering web service invocations from agent systems LZ Varga, Á Hajnal
International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems …, 2003
34 2003 Pulse shape discrimination L Varga
Nuclear Instruments and Methods 14, 24-32, 1961
32 1961 A magyar intonáció–funkcionális szempontból L Varga
Nyelvtudományi közlemények 83, 313-339, 1981
31 1981 Magyar beszéddallamok fonológiai, szemantikai és szintaktikai vonatkozásai L Varga
Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993
30 1993 A topicról és a fókusz utáni elemek sorrendjéről L Varga
Magyar Nyelv 77, 198-200, 1981
30 1981 Introduction to English linguistics L Varga
Budapest: Eotvos Lorand University, 2010
28 2010 Design of CNG tank made of aluminium and reinforced plastic L Varga, A Nagy, A Kova
Composites 26 (6), 457-463, 1995
28 1995 Cooperating intelligent systems for electricity distribution D Cockburn, LZ Varga, NR Jennings
28 1992 Foundation engineering. Soil exploration and spread foundations K Széchy
Akadémiai Kiadó, 1978
28 1978