Mohamed Yagoubi
Mohamed Yagoubi
IMT-atlantique, LS2N
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Robust control of linear descriptor systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi
Springer Singapore, 2017
On State Feedback H Control for Discrete-Time Singular Systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (10), 2674-2679, 2013
Dilated LMI characterisations for linear time-invariant singular systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
International Journal of Control 83 (11), 2276-2284, 2010
Extended Controller Synthesis for Continuous Descriptor Systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (6), 1559-1564, 2011
H2 gain scheduling control for rational LPV systems using the descriptor framework
A Bouali, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3878-3883, 2008
On multiobjective synthesis for parameter-dependent descriptor systems
M Yagoubi
IET Control Theory & Applications 4 (5), 817-826, 2010
Broadband active noise control design through nonsmooth H∞ synthesis
L Paul, C Philippe, Y Mohamed, D Jean-Marc
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (14), 396-401, 2015
H∞ control with unstable and nonproper weights for descriptor systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
Automatica 48 (5), 991-994, 2012
Comprehensive admissibility for descriptor systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi
Automatica 66, 271-275, 2016
Gain scheduled observer state feedback controller for rational LPV systems
A Bouali, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 4922-4927, 2008
Robust active noise control in a car cabin: Evaluation of achievable performances with a feedback control scheme
P Loiseau, P Chevrel, M Yagoubi, JM Duffal
Control Engineering Practice 81, 172-182, 2018
About gain scheduled state feedback controllers for rational LPV systems
A Bouali, P Chevrel, M Yagoubi
2006 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2006
Efficient multi-objective and multi-scenarios control synthesis methodology for designing a car lane centering assistance system
S Mustaki, P Chevrel, M Yagoubi, F Fauvel
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 929-934, 2018
Parametrization of extended stabilizing controllers for continuous-time descriptor systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
Journal of The Franklin Institute 348 (9), 2633-2646, 2011
Investigating achievable performances for robust broadband active noise control in an enclosure
P Loiseau, P Chevrel, M Yagoubi, JM Duffal
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 426-433, 2017
H multi-objective and multi-model MIMO control design for broadband noise attenuation in an enclosure
P Loiseau, P Chevrel, M Yagoubi, JM Duffal
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 643-648, 2016
Simultaneous H∞ control for continuous-time descriptor systems
Y Feng, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
IET Control Theory & Applications 5 (1), 9-18, 2011
FxLMS versus H∞ control for broadband acoustic noise attenuation in a cavity
C Boultifat, P Loiseau, P Chevrel, J Lohéac, M Yagoubi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 9204-9210, 2017
New LMI-based conditions for stability, H performance analysis and state-feedback control of rational LPV systems
A Bouali, M Yagoubi, P Chevrel
2007 European Control Conference (ECC), 5411-5417, 2007
A parametric insensitive H2 control design approach
P Chevrel, M Yagoubi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2004
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