Sandra Bringay
Sandra Bringay
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Detection of suicide-related posts in Twitter data streams
MJ Vioules, B Moulahi, J Azé, S Bringay
IBM Journal of Research and Development 62 (1), 7: 1-7: 12, 2018
Feel: a french expanded emotion lexicon
A Abdaoui, J Azé, S Bringay, P Poncelet
Language Resources and Evaluation 51 (3), 833-855, 2017
Anomaly detection in monitoring sensor data for preventive maintenance
J Rabatel, S Bringay, P Poncelet
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (6), 7003-7015, 2011
What patients can tell us: topic analysis for social media on breast cancer
MDT Nzali, S Bringay, C Lavergne, C Mollevi, T Opitz
JMIR medical informatics 5 (3), e7779, 2017
Mining twitter for suicide prevention
A Abboute, Y Boudjeriou, G Entringer, J Azé, S Bringay, P Poncelet
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 19th International …, 2014
Mining social networks to improve suicide prevention: A scoping review
J Lopez‐Castroman, B Moulahi, J Azé, S Bringay, J Deninotti, ...
Journal of neuroscience research 98 (4), 616-625, 2020
Raising awareness about cervical cancer using Twitter: content analysis of the 2015# SmearForSmear campaign
P Lenoir, B Moulahi, J Azé, S Bringay, G Mercier, F Carbonnel
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (10), e344, 2017
Sequential patterns mining and gene sequence visualization to discover novelty from microarray data
A Sallaberry, N Pecheur, S Bringay, M Roche, M Teisseire
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 44 (5), 760-774, 2011
Patient healthcare trajectory. An essential monitoring tool: a systematic review
J Pinaire, J Azé, S Bringay, P Landais
Health information science and systems 5, 1-18, 2017
S2MP: similarity measure for sequential patterns
H Saneifar, S Bringay, A Laurent, M Teisseire
Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Data Mining Conference-Volume 87, 95-104, 2008
Steganalysis with cover-source mismatch and a small learning database
J Pasquet, S Bringay, M Chaumont
2014 22nd European signal processing conference (EUSIPCO), 2425-2429, 2014
Attention-based modeling for emotion detection and classification in textual conversations
W Ragheb, J Azé, S Bringay, M Servajean
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07020, 2019
Towards an on-line analysis of tweets processing
S Bringay, N Béchet, F Bouillot, P Poncelet, M Roche, M Teisseire
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 22nd International Conference …, 2011
Les documents et les annotations du dossier patient hospitalier
S Bringay, C Barry, J Charlet
Revue I3-Information Interaction Intelligence 4 (1), 2004
Hospital burden of coronary artery disease: trends of myocardial infarction and/or percutaneous coronary interventions in France 2009–2014
J Pinaire, J Azé, S Bringay, G Cayla, P Landais
PLoS One 14 (5), e0215649, 2019
The pattern next door: Towards spatio-sequential pattern discovery
H Alatrista Salas, S Bringay, F Flouvat, N Selmaoui-Folcher, M Teisseire
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 16th Pacific-Asia …, 2012
Annotations: A functionality to support cooperation, coordination and awareness in the electronic medical record
S Bringay, C Barry, J Charlet
Cooperative Systems Design, 39-54, 2006
Mining local climate data to assess spatiotemporal dengue fever epidemic patterns in French Guiana
C Flamand, M Fabregue, S Bringay, V Ardillon, P Quénel, JC Desenclos, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21 (e2), e232-e240, 2014
SO_MAD: SensOr mining for anomaly detection in railway data
J Rabatel, S Bringay, P Poncelet
Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects: 9th …, 2009
The epidemiologic surveillance of dengue-fever in French Guiana: when achievements trigger higher goals
C Flamand, P Quenel, V Ardillon, L Carvalho, S Bringay, M Teisseire
User Centred Networked Health Care, 629-633, 2011
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