Marta Bertolaso
Marta Bertolaso
Professore di Filosofia della Scienza, Università Campus Bio-Medico
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Cited by
Defining quality of life: a wild-goose chase?
B Barcaccia, G Esposito, M Matarese, M Bertolaso, M Elvira, ...
Europe's Journal of Psychology 9 (1), 2013
The role of coherence in emergent behavior of biological systems
M Bertolaso, A Capolupo, C Cherubini, S Filippi, A Gizzi, A Loppini, ...
Electromagnetic biology and medicine 34 (2), 138-140, 2015
Philosophy of cancer
M Bertolaso
Springer Science+ Business Media Dordrecht, 2016
A brief history of the Quality of Life: its use in medicine and in philosophy
M Pennacchini, M Bertolaso, MM Elvira, MG De Marinis
Clin Ter 162 (3), e99-e103, 2011
Why network approach can promote a new way of thinking in biology
A Giuliani, S Filippi, M Bertolaso
Frontiers in genetics 5, 83, 2014
Hierarchies and causal relationships in interpretative models of the neoplastic process
M Bertolaso
History and philosophy of the life sciences, 515-535, 2011
Specifically human: Human work and care in the age of machines
M Bertolaso, M Rocchi
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 31 (3), 888-898, 2022
On the coherent behavior of pancreatic beta cell clusters
A Loppini, A Capolupo, C Cherubini, A Gizzi, M Bertolaso, S Filippi, ...
Physics Letters A 378 (44), 3210-3217, 2014
Germline APC mutation on the β-catenin binding site is associated with a decreased apoptotic level in colorectal adenomas
T Venesio, A Balsamo, A Scordamaglia, M Bertolaso, A Arrigoni, ...
Modern pathology 16 (1), 57-65, 2003
Towards an integrated view of the neoplastic phenomena in cancer research
M Bertolaso
History and philosophy of the life sciences, 79-97, 2009
How science works. Choosing Levels of Explanation in Biological Sciences. Preface by Sandra D. Mitchell
M Bertolaso
Aracne Editrice, 2013
What is a home? On the intrinsic nature of a home
A Marcos, M Bertolaso
The home, 35-56, 2018
Cancer and intercellular cooperation
M Bertolaso, AM Dieli
Royal Society open science 4 (10), 170470, 2017
A processual perspective on cancer
M Bertolaso, J Dupré
Everything flows: Towards a processual philosophy of biology 321, 2018
Conceptual challenges in the theoretical foundations of systems biology
M Bertolaso, E Ratti
Systems biology, 1-13, 2018
The mesoscopic level and its epistemological relevance in systems biology
M Bertolaso, A Giuliani, S Filippi
Recent advances in systems biology research, 19-36, 2014
The Neoplastic Process and the Problems with the Attribution of
M Bertolaso
Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 102, 273-296, 2009
Il cancro come questione: modelli interpretativi e presupposti epistemologici
M Bertolaso
Franco Angeli, 2012
A system approach to cancer. From things to relations
M Bertolaso
Philosophy of Systems Biology: Perspectives from Scientists and Philosophers …, 2017
A bistable field model of cancer dynamics
C Cherubini, A Gizzi, M Bertolaso, V Tambone, S Filippi
Communications in Computational Physics 11 (1), 1-18, 2012
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Articles 1–20