nathalie pernelle
nathalie pernelle
LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
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Combining a logical and a numerical method for data reconciliation
F Saïs, N Pernelle, MC Rousset
Journal on Data Semantics XII, 66-94, 2009
L2r: A logical method for reference reconciliation
F Saıs, N Pernelle, MC Rousset
Proc. AAAI, 329-334, 2007
Zoom: a nested Galois lattices-based system for conceptual clustering
N Pernelle, MC Rousset, H Soldano, V Ventos
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 14 (2-3), 157-187, 2002
Sakey: Scalable almost key discovery in RDF data
D Symeonidou, V Armant, N Pernelle, F Saïs
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2014: 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva …, 2014
An automatic key discovery approach for data linking
N Pernelle, F Saïs, D Symeonidou
Journal of Web Semantics 23, 16-30, 2013
Detecting erroneous identity links on the web using network metrics
J Raad, W Beek, F Van Harmelen, N Pernelle, F Saïs
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Logical detection of invalid sameas statements in RDF data
L Papaleo, N Pernelle, F Saïs, C Dumont
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 19th International …, 2014
Detection of contextual identity links in a knowledge base
J Raad, N Pernelle, F Saïs
Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-8, 2017
Vickey: Mining conditional keys on knowledge bases
D Symeonidou, L Galárraga, N Pernelle, F Saïs, F Suchanek
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2017: 16th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2017
Defining key semantics for the RDF datasets: experiments and evaluations
M Atencia, M Chein, M Croitoru, J David, M Leclère, N Pernelle, F Saïs, ...
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning: 21st International Conference on …, 2014
RDF data evolution: efficient detection and semantic representation of changes
N Pernelle, F Saïs, D Mercier, S Thuraisamy
Semantic Systems-SEMANTiCS2016 4, 2016
Kd2r: A key discovery method for semantic reference reconciliation
D Symeonidou, N Pernelle, F Saïs
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2011
LN2R–a knowledge based reference reconciliation system: OAEI 2010 Results
F Saıs, N Niraula, N Pernelle, MC Rousset
Ontology Matching 172, 2010
An automatic ontology-based approach to enrich tables semantically
H Gagliardi, O Haemmerlé, N Pernelle, F Saıs
AAAI Context and Ontologies Workshop, 2005
The sameas problem: A survey on identity management in the web of data
J Raad, N Pernelle, F Saïs, W Beek, F van Harmelen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.10528, 2019
Differential causal rules mining in knowledge graphs
L Simonne, N Pernelle, F Saïs, R Thomopoulos
Proceedings of the 11th Knowledge Capture Conference, 105-112, 2021
Incremental ontology-based extraction and alignment in semi-structured documents
M Thiam, N Bennacer, N Pernelle, M Lo
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 20th International Conference …, 2009
Automatic Construction and Refinement of a Class Hierarchy over Semi-Structured Data.
N Pernelle, MC Rousset, V Ventos
Workshop on Ontology Learning, 2001
An approach toward a prediction of the presence of asbestos in buildings based on incomplete temporal descriptions of marketed products
T Mecharnia, L Chibout Khelifa, N Pernelle, F Hamdi
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, 239-242, 2019
Contextual and metadata-based approach for the semantic annotation of heterogeneous documents
M Thiam, N Pernelle, NB Seghouani
1st Workshop on Semantic Metadata Management and Applications (SeMMA 2008 …, 2008
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Articles 1–20