Eric Kamwa
Eric Kamwa
Université des Antilles, Schoelcher, Martinique
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On Stable Rules for Selecting Committees
E Kamwa
Journal of Mathematical Economics 70, 36-44, 2017
On some k-scoring rules for committee elections: agreement and Condorcet Principle
M Diss, E Kamwa, A Tlidi
Revue d'Economie Politique 130 (5), 699-725, 2020
A Note on the Likelihood of the Absolute Majority Paradoxes
M Diss, E Kamwa, A Tlidi
Economics Bulletin 38 (4), 1727-1734, 2018
Scoring rules over subsets of alternatives: Consistency and paradoxes
E Kamwa, V Merlin
Journal of Mathematical Economics 61, 130-138, 2015
Scoring rules, ballot truncation, and the truncation paradox
E Kamwa
Public Choice 192 (1-2), 79–97 , 2022
On the Likelihood of the Borda Effect: The Overall Probabilities for General Weighted Scoring Rules and Scoring Runoff Rules
E Kamwa
Group Decision and Negotiation 28 (3), 519–541, 2019
Stable rules for electing committees and divergence on outcomes
E Kamwa
Group Decision and Negotiation 26 (3), 547-564, 2017
Scoring rules and preference restrictions: The Strong Borda Paradox revisited
E Kamwa, F Valognes
Revue d'Economie Politique 127 (3), 375 - 395, 2017
Scoring run-off rules, single-peaked preferences and paradoxes of variable electorate
E Kamwa, V Merlin, FM Top
Susceptibility to manipulation by sincere truncation: the case of scoring rules and scoring runoff systems
E Kamwa, I Moyouwou
Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models, Essays by and in honor of …, 2021
Coincidence of Condorcet committees
E Kamwa, V Merlin
Social Choice and Welfare 50 (1), 171–189, 2018
Tax competition and the determination of the quality of public goods
AHO Abdessalam, E Kamwa
Economics 8 (1), 20140012, 2014
The Voting Power in the Inter-communal Council of Martinique and Guadeloupe [Le Pouvoir de Vote dans les Etablissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale de la Martinique …
I Dia, E Kamwa
Économie et institutions, 2020
Simulations in Models of Preference Aggregation
M Diss, E Kamwa
Oeconomia 10 (2), 279-308, 2020
Condorcet Efficiency of the Preference Approval Voting and the Probability of Selecting the Condorcet Loser
E Kamwa
Theory and Decision 87 (3), 299-320, 2019
The increasing committee size paradox with small number of candidates
E Kamwa
Economics Bulletin 33 (2), 967-972, 2013
Condorcet efficiency of general weighted scoring rules under IAC: indifference and abstention
M Diss, E Kamwa, I Moyouwou, H Smaoui
Evaluating Voting Systems with Probability Models, Essays by and in honor of …, 2021
Choix d’études et rapports à la mobilité des lycéens et étudiants martiniquais
G Joseph, É Kamwa, S Mathouraparsad
Études caribéennes, 2019
The Likelihood of the Consistency of Collective Rankings under Preferences Aggregation with Four Alternatives using Scoring Rules: A General Formula and the Optimal Decision Rule
E Kamwa, V Merlin
Computational Economics 53 (4), 1377-1395, 2019
Essais sur les modes de scrutin et la sélection des comités
E Kamwa
Caen, 2014
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