Vincenzo Capasso (vincenzo.capasso)
Vincenzo Capasso (vincenzo.capasso)
Universita' degli Studi di Milano "La Statale". ADAMSS (Centre for Advanced Applied
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A generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick deterministic epidemic model
V Capasso, G Serio
Mathematical biosciences 42 (1-2), 43-61, 1978
Mathematical structures of epidemic systems
V Capasso, V Capasso
Springer 97, xiv+ 283, 1993
A mathematical model for the 1973 cholera epidemic in the European Mediterranean region.
V Capasso, SL Paveri-Fontana
Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique 27 (2), 121-132, 1979
An interacting particle system modelling aggregation behavior: from individuals to populations
D Morale, V Capasso, K Oelschläger
Journal of mathematical biology 50, 49-66, 2005
Introduction to Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes
V Capasso, V Capasso
Springer International Publishing, 2021
An introduction to optimal control problems in life sciences and economics: From mathematical models to numerical simulation with MATLAB®
S Aniţa, V Arnăutu, V Capasso
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
On an aggregation model with long and short range interactions
M Burger, V Capasso, D Morale
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 8 (3), 939-958, 2007
Convergence to equilibrium states for a reaction-diffusion system modelling the spatial spread of a class of bacterial and viral diseases
V Capasso, L Maddalena
Journal of Mathematical Biology 13, 173-184, 1981
A reaction-diffusion system arising in modelling man-environment diseases
V Capasso, K Kunisch
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 46 (3), 431-450, 1988
Analysis of a Reaction-Diffusion System Modeling Man--Environment--Man Epidemics
RE Wilson, V Capasso
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 57 (2), 327-346, 1997
Modeling the aggregative behavior of ants of the species Polyergus rufescens
S Boi, V Capasso, D Morale
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 1 (1), 163-176, 2000
Global solution for a diffusive nonlinear deterministic epidemic model
V Capasso
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 35 (2), 274-284, 1978
Sensitive observables of quantum mechanics
V Capasso, D Fortunato, F Selleri
International journal of theoretical physics 7, 319-326, 1973
Stochastic modelling of tumour-induced angiogenesis
V Capasso, D Morale
Journal of mathematical biology 58, 219-233, 2009
Mathematical modelling for polymer processing: polymerization, crystallization, manufacturing
V Capasso
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
On the general structure of epidemic systems. Global asymptotic stability
E Beretta, V Capasso
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 (6), 677-694, 1986
Asymptotic stability for an integrodifferential reaction-diffusion system
V Capasso
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 103 (2), 575-588, 1984
Global stability results for a multigroup SIR epidemic model
E Beretta
in Mathematical Ecology (eds. TG Hallam, 317, 1988
Modelling multi-dimensional crystallization of polymers in interaction with heat transfer
M Burger, V Capasso, C Salani
Nonlinear analysis: real world applications 3 (1), 139-160, 2002
On a spatial Solow model with technological diffusion and nonconcave production function
V Capasso, R Engbers, D La Torre
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (5), 3858-3876, 2010
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