Abderrahmane MAARADJI
Abderrahmane MAARADJI
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Detecting sudden and gradual drifts in business processes from execution traces
A Maaradji, M Dumas, M La Rosa, A Ostovar
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29 (10), 2140-2154, 2017
Fast and accurate business process drift detection
A Maaradji, M Dumas, M La Rosa, A Ostovar
Business Process Management: 13th International Conference, BPM 2015 …, 2015
Towards a social network based approach for services composition
A Maaradji, H Hacid, J Daigremont, N Crespi
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Detecting drift from event streams of unpredictable business processes
A Ostovar, A Maaradji, M La Rosa, AHM ter Hofstede, BFV van Dongen
Conceptual Modeling: 35th International Conference, ER 2016, Gifu, Japan …, 2016
Discovering causal factors explaining business process performance variation
BFA Hompes, A Maaradji, M La Rosa, M Dumas, JCAM Buijs, ...
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 29th International Conference …, 2017
Social-based web services discovery and composition for step-by-step mashup completion
A Maaradji, H Hacid, R Skraba, A Lateef, J Daigremont, N Crespi
2011 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 700-701, 2011
Characterizing drift from event streams of business processes
A Ostovar, A Maaradji, M La Rosa, AHM ter Hofstede
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 29th International Conference …, 2017
Social web mashups full completion via frequent sequence mining
A Maaradji, H Hacid, R Skraba, A Vakali
2011 IEEE World Congress on Services, 9-16, 2011
Local concurrency detection in business process event logs
A Armas-Cervantes, M Dumas, ML Rosa, A Maaradji
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 19 (1), 1-23, 2019
Analysis of business process variants in apromore
R Conforti, M Dumas Menjivar, M La Rosa, A Maaradji, HH Nguyen, ...
Proceedings of the BPM Demo Session 2015 [CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume …, 2015
Method for displaying a virtual world in which the avatar of a user of a virtual-reality service evolves
A Maaradji, A Hebbar, H Hacid
US Patent 9,424,688, 2016
Social composer: a social-aware mashup creation environment
A Maaradji, H Hacid, J Daigremont, N Crespi
ACM CSCW 10, 54, 2010
Developing compelling social-enabled applications with context-based social interaction analysis
R Skraba, M Beauvais, J Stan, A Maaradji, J Daigremont
2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and …, 2009
Image processing method, avatar display adaptation method and corresponding image processing processor, virtual world server and communication terminal
A Hebbar, H Hacid, A Maaradji
US Patent 9,776,090, 2017
Medical data access system
A Hebbar, A Maaradji
US Patent 8,874,067, 2014
Business process drift
A Maaradji, M Dumas, ML Rosa, A Ostovar
A synthetic dataset of 72, 2015
End-user service composition from a social networks analysis perspective
A Maaradji
Institut National des Télécommunications, 2011
Social discovery and composition of web services
A Maaradji, H Hacid, R Skraba, A Lateef, J Daigremont, N Crespi
The Third International Symposium on End-User Development, 1-11, 2011
Towards personalized services composition on ims: A basic approach
A Maaradji, C Huang, N Crespi
International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, Xi'an, China, July …, 2009
ICT & Generative Artificial Intelligence Powered Hybrid Model for Future Education.
A Jaouadi, A Maaradji
Cadmus 5 (3), 2024
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Articles 1–20