Vincent Brault
Vincent Brault
Maître de conférence au LJK, université Grenoble Alpes
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Estimation and selection for the latent block model on categorical data
C Keribin, V Brault, G Celeux, G Govaert
Statistics and Computing 25 (6), 1201-1216, 2015
Co-clustering through optimal transport
C Laclau, I Redko, B Matei, Y Bennani, V Brault
International conference on machine learning, 1955-1964, 2017
Comparing high-dimensional partitions with the co-clustering adjusted rand index
V Robert, Y Vasseur, V Brault
Journal of Classification 38, 158-186, 2021
Group testing as a strategy for COVID-19 epidemiological monitoring and community surveillance
V Brault, B Mallein, JF Rupprecht
PLoS computational biology 17 (3), e1008726, 2021
Model selection for the binary latent block model
C Keribin, V Brault, G Celeux, G Govaert
Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2012, 2012
Consistency and asymptotic normality of Latent Block Model estimators
V Brault, C Keribin, M Mariadassou
Analysis of graphomotor tests with machine learning algorithms for an early and universal pre-diagnosis of dysgraphia
L Devillaine, R Lambert, J Boutet, S Aloui, V Brault, C Jolly, E Labyt
Sensors 21 (21), 7026, 2021
Co-clustering through latent bloc model: A review
V Brault, M Mariadassou
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 156 (3), 120-139, 2015
Development of a pre-diagnosis tool based on machine learning algorithms on the BHK test to improve the diagnosis of dysgraphia
L Deschamps, L Devillaine, C Gaffet, R Lambert, S Aloui, J Boutet, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 1 (2), 114-135, 2021
Estimation et sélection de modèle pour le modèle des blocs latents
V Brault
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2014
Nonparametric multiple change-point estimation for analyzing large Hi-C data matrices
V Brault, S Ouadah, L Sansonnet, C Lévy-Leduc
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 165, 143-165, 2018
Methodological issues in the creation of a diagnosis tool for dysgraphia
L Deschamps, C Gaffet, S Aloui, J Boutet, V Brault, E Labyt
NPJ digital Medicine 2 (1), 36, 2019
Fast and consistent algorithm for the latent block model
V Brault, A Channarond
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.09005, 2016
Revue des méthodes pour la classification jointe des lignes et des colonnes d’un tableau
V Brault, A Lomet
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 156 (3), 27-51, 2015
Capushe: calibrating penalities using slope heuristics
S Arlot, V Brault, JP Baudry, C Maugis, B Michel
R package version 1 (1), 1, 2016
Noise-free latent block model for high dimensional data
C Laclau, V Brault
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33, 446-473, 2019
Efficient block boundaries estimation in block-wise constant matrices: An application to HiC data
V Brault, J Chiquet, C Lévy-Leduc
blockcluster: Coclustering Package for Binary, Categorical, Contingency and Continuous Data-Sets
S Iovleff, P Singh Bhatia, J Demont, V Brault, V Kubicki, G Govaert, ...
R package version 4 (2), 2015
Methods for co-clustering: a review
V Brault, A Lomet
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 156 (3), 27-51, 2015
Change-point detection, segmentation, and related topics
JM Bardet, V Brault, S Dachian, F Enikeeva, B Saussereau
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 68, 97-122, 2020
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Articles 1–20