samuel delepoulle
samuel delepoulle
Maître de conférences HDR, université du Littoral Côte d'Opale
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Cited by
Contribution of the motor system to the perception of reachable space: An fMRI study
A Bartolo, Y Coello, MG Edwards, S Delepoulle, S Endo, AM Wing
European Journal of Neuroscience 40 (12), 3807-3817, 2014
A generic architecture for adaptive agents based on reinforcement learning
P Preux, S Delepoulle, JC Darcheville
Information Sciences 161 (1-2), 37-55, 2004
Improving light position in a growth chamber through the use of a genetic algorithm
S Delepoulle, C Renaud, M Chelle
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics, 67-82, 2008
Stopping criterion during rendering of computer-generated images based on SVD-entropy
J Buisine, A Bigand, R Synave, S Delepoulle, C Renaud
Entropy 23 (1), 75, 2021
A perceptual stopping condition for global illumination computations
N Takouachet, S Delepoulle, C Renaud
Proceedings of the 23rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 55-62, 2007
A no-reference computer-generated images quality metric and its application to denoising
S Delepoulle, A Bigand, C Renaud
2012 6th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems, 67-73, 2012
Modeling light phylloclimate within growth chambers
M Chelle, C Renaud, S Delepoulle, D Combes
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Functional Structural Plant …, 2007
Perception of noise and global illumination: Toward an automatic stopping criterion based on SVM
N Takouachet, S Delepoulle, C Renaud, N Zoghlami, JMRS Tavares
Computers & Graphics 69, 49-58, 2017
Evolution of cooperation within a behavior-based perspective: Confronting nature and animats
S Delepoulle, P Preux, JC Darcheville
European Conference on Artificial Evolution, 204-216, 1999
Neurobiological basis of reachability judgement: an fMRI study
A Bartolo, Y Coello, S Delepoulle, MG Edwards, S Endo, AM Wing
NeuroImage 47, S171, 2009
Coopération entre agents adaptatifs: étude de la sélection des comportements sociaux, expérimentations et stimulations
S Delepoulle
Lille 3, 2000
Genetic algorithms for light sources positioning
S Delepoulle, C Renaud, M Chelle
Proceedings of the 11th 3IA: International Conference on Computer Graphics …, 2009
Congruent action context releases Mu rhythm desynchronization when visual objects activate competing action representations
Y Wamain, M Godard, AS Puffet, S Delepoulle, S Kalénine
Cortex 161, 65-76, 2023
How competition between action representations affects object perception during development
M Godard, Y Wamain, L Ott, S Delepoulle, S Kalénine
Journal of Cognition and Development 23 (3), 360-384, 2022
Detecting visual convergence for stochastic global illumination
C Renaud, S Delepoulle, N Takouachet
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2011, 1-17, 2011
Interval type-2 fuzzy sets based no-reference quality evaluation of synthesis images
S Delepoulle, A Bigand, C Renaud
Proceedings of CGVR 11, 2011
ECON: a Kernel Basis Pursuit Algorithm with Automatic Feature Parameter Tuning, and its Application to Photometric Solids Approximation
M Loth, P Preux, S Delepoulle, C Renaud
2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 162-169, 2009
Light source storage and interpolation for global illumination: a neural solution
S Delepoulle, C Renaud, P Preux
Intelligent Computer Graphics 2009, 87-104, 2009
Selection of Behavior in Social Situations Application to the Development of Coordinated Movements
S Delepoulle⋆, P Preux, JC Darcheville
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2001: EvoCOP, EvoFlight …, 2001
Learning as a consequence of selection
S Delepoulle, P Preux, JC Darcheville
International Conference on Artificial Evolution (Evolution Artificielle …, 2001
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Articles 1–20